1. Diary of a High Price Escort Book 2 Part 1

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Cheating Author: JdRobbins, Source: LushStories

    ... paying attention to another woman.
    The bright sunlight streamed through the openings of the trees surrounding my bench, warming my body against the light breeze. I was really enjoying just sitting there alone with my thoughts. Of course, those thoughts eventually turned to sex or, better yet, the possible lack of sex that I was anticipating throughout the football season.
    Suddenly, I felt something furry brush against my leg, startling me until I looked down and saw the cutest little puppy wagging his tail and winding his little furry body around my legs.
    "Buster, stop that." A man's voice said from behind.
    I turned to see whose voice I'd heard.
    "So sorry, miss. I'm still trying to train my dog not to run up to strangers,โ€ the man said.
    I smiled at him and said. "But he's such a cute little dog and certainly friendly."
    "A little too friendly,โ€ he replied.
    I reached down and scratched Buster's head between two perky ears, and he instantly started licking my hand.
    Now, I've heard that some men use cute little dogs to break the ice with strange women, but somehow, I didn't think this guy or Buster had that in mind. Nevertheless, the ice was broken, and I seized the opportunity to make a new friend.
    "Well, it looks as though Buster isn't going to listen to you as long as I keep scratching his head, so maybe you'd like to have a seat," I suggested.
    "Thanks, Miss. I've been walking him for quite some time now, and honestly, I'm ready for a break,โ€ ...
    ... he replied.
    As he sat beside me, I offered him one delicate hand and said. "I'm Peggy, and this is Buster." Continuing to scratch the pup's head.
    "Nice to meet you, Peggy; I'm Sam,โ€ he said, lightly shaking my hand.
    Sam was probably a few years older than me, with salt and pepper hair, dark eyes, and a wonderful, inviting smile. He appeared to be maybe fifteen pounds overweight but didn't appear fat. Sam wore a light blue pullover sweater and old, comfortable, faded blue jeans.
    "Is Sam short for Samuel?" I asked. "Yes, and I assume Peggy is your nickname?" He replied.
    "You're right, Sam. My given name is Margaret,โ€ I admitted.
    He smiled. "Margaret is a beautiful name. It fits such a beautiful lady,โ€ Sam added scoring points with me.
    Buster jumped up on the bench between Sam and me and lay down with his snout resting on tiny paws.
    "Well, Buster is certainly comfortable being with you, Margaret," Sam commented.
    "He certainly is," I replied.
    Even though we'd just met, Sam made me feel comfortable, too. His warm smile invited me to get to know him better.
    "So Sam, how come you're not home watching football today," I asked.
    He grinned and replied. "I'm not much into sports, Margaret."
    At the very least, he had just scored a field goal with me. He couldn't have answered that question better.
    "What brings you to Hillside today?" Sam asked.
    "Sports, to be more precise, football," I said.
    Sam got a confused expression on his face and then ...