1. Diary of a High Price Escort Book 2 Part 1

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Cheating Author: JdRobbins, Source: LushStories

    ... thrown that paper aside and thrown me to the floor to give me his fat cock and keep me home like a good little trophy wife.
    The afternoon sun warmed my face as I drove in my flashy Benz. While sitting at a red light, I remembered Mark, that handsome young gentleman who'd rescued me yesterday afternoon. I fumbled through my purse, trying to find his number. The blare of a car's horn reminded me to pay more attention to the traffic light, and I gunned the Benz, speeding further down the avenue.
    Finally unzipping the tiny, almost hidden pouch on the side of my purse, I pulled the slip of paper on which Mark had written his note to me.
    I gave the dash-mounted cellular a voice command. "Dial 507-484-6701."
    "Please hold while the person you are trying to reach is located,” the generic woman's voice replied.
    "Hi, this is Mark. Sorry, I can't take your call right now, but if you leave your number and a short message after the tone, I'll get back to you as soon as possible,” Mark's voicemail message played. Even his recorded voice sounded sexy.
    In the second or two before the beep, I contemplated if I should leave a message or try again later. If I left my number, he could call me anytime or at an inopportune time. Before I could reach the dash and disconnect, I heard the "Beep."
    I never bothered to set up my number so it wouldn't appear on the caller ID of people I call, so rather than have him wonder who was calling, I said, "Hi Mark, this is Peggy. Give me a ...
    ... call when you get the message. It's 209-562-8891. Talk to you soon; bye," was the message I left for my knight in shining armor.
    A moment after I disconnected, I realized Mark knew me as Margaret, but I hoped he would still make the connection and call me back this afternoon. After all, I needed to thank him for taking care of me after those double shots of scotch took effect yesterday afternoon.
    It was such a beautiful afternoon that I decided to take a walk at Hillside Park. There were a lot of others who had the same idea, and I was forced to park in the overflow lot quite a distance from the central part of Hillside.
    After putting the top up and locking the Benz, I headed toward the walking path. Had I known I would be taking a walk, I would have worn shoes more appropriate for walking on gravel pathways. The heels of my open-toe sandals dug into the stones, and small rocks kept getting under my toes. After about fifty yards, I just slipped them off and went barefooted. I was wearing a brightly colored sundress with thin straps that ran up over the shoulders. The dress was very comfortable and didn't accentuate my breasts too much. Every so often, there are park benches along the walking path, and I decided to sit a while on the first one I came to that wasn't already in use.
    Couples and families continuously strolled by the bench. Several men checked me out as they passed, trying to be as discrete as possible so their significant other wouldn't notice them ...