1. Getting into the Family Business

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byrobdcruz, Source: Literotica

    ... feeling was of being a voyeur and wanting to watch them keep going. My mom looked over at me and smiled shyly. I could tell that under the water my dad's hands were going wild. My mom made small attempts to restrict him as she looked over at me.
    "Adam, stop. We aren't alone."
    My dad just smiled at me, and shrugged. "Sorry babe, you're just so hot. Come here." He then grabbed my mom and had her sit on his lap, but then started to talk to me about school and normal day to day things. I tried to act normal and talk to him, but my mom's glistening skin was distracting. She seemed normal at first, just listening to my dad and I talk, but after a while she started to seem a bit breathless and red.
    My first thought was it was the heat from the hot tub. But what if it wasn't? Is my dad still messing with her? Is my mom letting him? I couldn't tell if being so horny had made me read in to things that might actually be totally innocent. On the surface my dad and I continued to have a conversation, but in my head my fantasies were reeling. It was dark and the tub lights were off, so I felt secure that my hard on was covered by the bubbles. As soon as my dad started to talk to my mom, I couldn't stop myself and began lightly stroking my hard-on under the water as I imagined they were doing the same on their side. My mom stayed silent as my dad and I spoke. Was she grinding? My dad seemed to be getting out of breath too, but then again it could just be from being in a hot tub for ...
    ... so long.
    The thought that my dad was dick deep just a few feet away from me was too much. Even if he wasn't fucking her, just the idea of her ample ass rubbing against his dick was so erotic. Even with my gentle stroking, without meaning to, I felt myself hit the point of no return and came in my swim shorts. Shame washed over me and I prayed my parent's wouldn't discover what had happened. Glancing over at them, they seemed not to notice anything was off. As soon as my dick died down, I excused myself back inside.
    "You OK, honey?" my mom asked in a concerned voice.
    "Yea mom. The heat is just getting to me. I'm just going to take a shower and relax before bed."
    "Maybe a cold shower," my dad chimed in.
    "Huh?" I asked confused. Was that a dig. Oh god. Did he notice what happened and was making a sarcastic comment?
    "You know this... Cold water is good after a hot tub or sauna," my dad offered innocently, seeming confused at my confusion.
    I barely acknowledged the comment and headed inside. The mix of guilt and disbelief was making it hard to think. The cold shower actually did do me some good.
    I had to stop lusting over my mom, but her making stupid trendy videos was making me insane. I just hoped things would die down. Maybe she would get bored with it and move on to a new hobby.
    She did move on to a new hobby, but it didn't make anything better.
    It didn't take long after she responded to that commenters Onlyfans link request for the inevitable to ...