1. Getting into the Family Business

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byrobdcruz, Source: Literotica

    Looking back, one could say it was obvious what was going to happen. But at the time it just seemed so impossible that one couldn't blame me for not seeing it coming.
    My parents were a model of suburban perfection. My dad had a great career as a financial analyst and my mom had dedicated her life to the family as a stay at home mom. I played my part well too. I was 18, just graduated from high school with fantastic grades, played sports, had a good college lined up, and always kept my nose clean.
    Like a lot of stay at home parents, during my teens when I didn't need her to drive me around everywhere or be in charge of all my decisions, my mom got bored. Thankfully she found self-care as a hobby, or even a religion, and started to transform her body into what she had always wanted it to be.
    Mind you, she was always beautiful. My mom was about 5'3'', very thin, with perfect pale skin, blue eyes, and movie star blonde hair. Even back then I wasn't too proud to also noticed that she had a decent sized ass, and a pair of cute handfuls for tits. Some people compared her to a 50s pinup model, and she had played the part at a few costume parties. She always dressed well and was of course all of my friend's first crush. Again being honest, she was mine too. But thats not so bizarre. Right? Freud and all that.
    Mom first got into yoga, then any other fitness class that the local gym had to offer and soon had tightened herself up. She went from thin to lean and fit. Her ...
    ... regular house clothes went from big t-shirts to leggings and athletic wear that did a nice job to show off her body.
    A few years ago, despite the transformation, she told my dad she still wasn't where she wanted to be. All the working out had taken her already modest breasts and shrunk them. She wanted bigger and my dad was happy to oblige. He felt like the luckiest guy in the world. Not only did his wife make herself hotter in middle age, but she wanted bigger tits without him having to request it. He spared no expense and bought her the best doc money could buy. Mom went from a small B cup to a large C. The doc was great and despite the large size and her small frame, the tits hung naturally. No bolt-ons for her.
    I could tell an immediate difference after the surgery. My mom was as confident as could be in her body. She was always in a great mood, more relaxed, and definitely more affectionate with dad. It was great to see her so happy. And did I mention how happy my dad was?
    My parents had never been shy of showing off their nakedness in the household. Up until my teens, it was completely normal for them to both change in front of me if I happened to be in the room. It wasn't until I myself started to become aware of my own body and want privacy that my parents did they same. I guess they were just waiting to follow my cues. What didn't change was my parents affection for each other. They kissed and hugged each other liberally. Not just pecks on the cheek either. If my ...