Date: 7/13/2024, Categories: True Story Ass to mouth Bi-sexual Blowjob Cheating Coercion Consensual Sex Cuckold, Erotica Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Group Sex Hardcore Male / Older Female, Masturbation Mature Older Female / Males, Oral Sex Spanking, Voyeurism Author: CecilBCK, Source: sexstories.com

    ... next afternoon Sarah and I were having a bath together, when I reminded her, “You know our rules, if you fuck another man, you can expect a spanking from me. And I expect to fuck another woman, an eye for an eye, just as we have done in the past.
    “Though that really was an exciting night Sarah, watching a much younger stripper with a twelve-inch erection fucking you with your magnificent ass in his hands, after he gave you a shopping list of sexual pleasure. While I fucked Anya alongside you. New levels of libertine excess for both of us, sexual-positivity, the suppression of monogamous mores and sexual propriety, an explosion of wild hedonism. Did you know he received $2,000 for that gig? You were a $2,000 fuck. He also rigged the prize draw so you won.”
    “Wow, what a buzz for me, can’t wait to tell my women friends and blow them out of the water.”
    “Did Bryan tell you he gave me the contact details of a forty-year year old woman we could share?,” I asked her as I reached for my phone. “Would you like to share her with me? Perhaps new levels of libertine excess for both of us?”
    “You know I always enjoy you spanking my big ass. Doe’s that mean you expect a spanking from me also? Or did we break even?”
    “We did break even, let’s postpone your spanking until tomorrow, though I do expect a spanking from you also. Please?”
    “How many? How hard?”