Date: 7/13/2024, Categories: True Story Ass to mouth Bi-sexual Blowjob Cheating Coercion Consensual Sex Cuckold, Erotica Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Group Sex Hardcore Male / Older Female, Masturbation Mature Older Female / Males, Oral Sex Spanking, Voyeurism Author: CecilBCK, Source: sexstories.com

    ... cheeks.
    “Your ass is magnificent Sarah, just fucking magnificent, Nobody wears a g-string better than you Sarah,” Bryan told her as he undid the clips and expertly removed it. “Your girlfriends were correct Sarah, you do have a magnificent big ass. You are in a league of your own,” he told her while running his hands over her naked ass.
    “You are a libertine’s delight Sarah, just fucking magnificent, beautiful creamy skin, thighs to die for, wonderful hips, flat stomach, sexy nipples in a cup-less bra. And the clincher, your incredibly sexy, beautifully trimmed cunt,” told her after he stood and removed her skirt while running a fingertip over his now very erect cock.
    “Incredibly exciting,” he told her as she stood, legs spread and arched her body forward to soak up the pleasure of his tongue on her cunt lips.
    “My girlfriends told me your erection must be twelve-inches. Right now, is it that big now for me and my friends?,” Sarah teased as he commenced licking and sucking Sarah’s cunt lips just before Anya walked up to her and commenced tongue kissing her.
    “Not quite yet, though it will be if I fuck you with it.”
    “I am envious Sarah, he has a twelve-inch erection for you,” Anya told her as they tongue kissed while Bryan was licking her cunt lips. “Are you going to fuck him?”
    I had long fantasized about Sarah standing with her back to a wall, legs spread, wearing nothing more than heels, a cup-less bra and some perfume while a talented, younger male with a ...
    ... twelve-inch erection gave her a tremendous tongue fuck, while I was sitting opposite watching.
    “I don’t think I will embarrass any of you if tell you what I would like. May I continue?,” Bryan asked.
    “Please do continue, I don’t think you will embarrass any of us,” Sarah replied, second guessing him as Anya held her hand.
    “I want to fuck you doggy style with your magnificent big ass in my hands Sarah. While I watch your man fucking Anya doggy style with her big ass in his hands. Before I do I want to feel Anya’s hand sliding along my erection. Now your man’s hand on my erection. And my hand on his erection. So good, so erotic. Now let’s fuck.”
    The two women were holding hands as they leant over a padded table resting on their elbows as Bryan and I watched each other slide our erections into our new partners. Bryan and were two classic type-A personalities, achievement-oriented and ultra competitive with the need to win at everything, including fucking.
    We were both determined to out fuck and outlast each other, to show dominance, without disregarding the wishes and needs of our women in favor of our own as we grasped their ass cheeks and emulated each other’s strokes. Twenty-minutes later Sarah was masturbating Bryan to orgasm while I continued fucking Anya while we watched.
    “He really is a stud, a wonderful fuck,” Sarah told Bryan with his no longer erect, though still formidable cock, in her hand as they watched Anya and me for another ten-minutes.
    The ...