1. Twins Double Trouble

    Date: 7/11/2024, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Exhibitionism First Time Incest Masturbation Reluctance Teen Male/Teen Female Virginity Author: Piglet838, Source: sexstories.com

    ... and I are separating while we are still friends. We are afraid that we might come to hate each other if we stay together. We don't want that. My boss has offered me a position with a promotion at the Greenville office. He found me a cute little house to rent nearby. He wants me to start there on Monday." At that, Makayla begins to melt down. Her tears spill over, running down her cheeks, and she sobs uncontrollably. She looks into my eyes with the most devastated look that I have ever seen. My heart literally hurts within my chest.
    I thought that things could not get any worse, but then they do. Dad says, "You are probably wondering where that leaves you two." Now dad looks nervous and averts his gaze to the floor. "Mom and I have talked at length and gone back and forth, considering different scenarios. We felt like it would be best for everyone if Michael stays here with me and Makayla goes to live with her mother in Greenville."
    Now I really wished that my dad had punched me hard in the gut. That would have hurt less. And I would be able to get over a punch after a few minutes. Separating me and Makayla will hurt for as long as we are apart. Makayla cries out in a voice that I can only describe as a wail, "No! You can't separate us like that! I can't take it!" With that she breaks down into uncontrollable, hiccuping sobs. I am afraid to speak, afraid that I will lose control. I'm not sure whether I will break down and cry, or get mad and hurt someone.
    Mom and ...
    ... dad look at each other with some uncertainty, and I wonder if they will change their mind. I don't think this is the reaction that they expected. Then mom speaks, "I know this is hard, but you will get used to it. It would be easier for us to keep you together, but we felt that it would be best for you two to be apart for a while. It's only another year and you two will be going away to college, anyway. My boss has been wanting to move me to the office in Greenville for some time. It will mean a nice promotion for me. You should look at it as a new adventure. You two are mature enough to handle this."
    I look from mom to dad, gaging their resolve. Neither one seems inclined to budge on the issue. Now I feel myself getting angry. "Why can't you two stick it out until we leave for college! Is it that bad between you two?" I know that those words sting, but I don't care. The shock on mom's face is plain. Seeing Makayla fall apart like this has me riled up, and I can't take it. I have gone this far, so I decide to twist the knife. "Don't you think you are being a little selfish?"
    Dad speaks up, "Mike, we have considered everything. It would have been easier to stay together for another year until you left for college. But the way things are going between your mother and I, we would not be able to be the kind of parents that you deserve. And we considered keeping you and Makayla together, living with me for a week, and then going to live with your mom for a week. But how would ...