1. A Pretty Elf in Qeynos, Part Three

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Fantasy Bi-sexual Exhibitionism Humiliation Rape Voyeurism Author: Steweird, Source: sexstories.com

    ... sixth fighter to fill out their Blackburrow party” he said while still fondling her. “Their original sixth member has not met them at the appointed time and place.” He paused then added a little peeved “This fellow is a somewhat unreliable character and I dare say they are better without him. Regardless, they need a sixth and suggested you by name. They remember you from the Caves last week.”
    “Oh, yes. I remember them” Cadwarra answered. They were a good group. They had been decent to remember her. “I can be ready very quickly. I just need a bath first.”
    The trainer shook his head. “Now that I am aware of you acting like a whore for most of the night for those men I do not think you are in a condition to go. You cannot have men use you repeatedly into the small hours and then adventure efficiently all next day, Miss Cadwarra. You have not ensured you were ready to serve Qeynos as needed” he rebuked her. “I will need to find another member for the Dwarves’ expedition.”
    Cadwarra felt she was letting the Dwarves down. She liked them. No doubt Tunare was happy with her enthusiastic devotion last night, but everyone else she seemed to have disappointed.
    Trandall was still playing with her breast, rolling it around in his hand. Titillated by the Wood Elf standing there naked except for a blanket he was acutely aware how the thin material molded to her, emphasizing her exquisite curves. And there was her bed a mere few feet behind, ready for his use if he could maneuver ...
    ... her into it...
    “Hmmmm...” The trainer mused to Cadwarra and her breast. “There is no reason for me to totally waste this trip to see you. I think I might as well give you a private lesson today, you being one of my star pupils.” He turned and slammed the door to her room shut. He snapped in the lock with a loud, definite click. “Maybe we should start as soon as possible. Let’s get you cleaned up and then we’ll start training right here.”
    “Here?” Cadwarra asked, confused over what kind of training was being intended, “But I have no equipment.”
    “Er....uh...yes. I think we should teach you some hand-to-hand fighting. I mean bare knuckle stuff, so we won’t be needing any equipment. But I must first allow you to bathe as you have suggested. Do you have a bucket of water and soap? We shall clean you up first.” He pulled the blanket from Cadwarra’s body and tossed it back on the bed. He took a good look at her nubile figure. By Marr, he needed to screw her right now! Treat her like a woman.
    Cadwarra had ensured she had a pail of clean water last evening before she had left for the tavern. She had a fresh towel, a sponge and plenty of soap close to hand. To her surprise the trainer did not avert his eyes to allow her to wash. He took the sponge and soaked it. “Just stand there” he instructed her. “It will be faster if I help.”
    Cadwarra stood in the bucket and submitted as he eagerly began to wash her. The trainer certainly was eager to get her all nice and clean before ...