1. A Pretty Elf in Qeynos, Part Three

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Fantasy Bi-sexual Exhibitionism Humiliation Rape Voyeurism Author: Steweird, Source: sexstories.com

    Cadwarra woke way too early to a knocking on her door. She was alone.
    Exhausted from all last night’s fucking, and sore from being repeatedly used by those two Human penises, she lay there confused as to why there was a knocking at her door. It took her a while to realize she should get up and answer it.
    She rolled out of bed naked. About all that was left of father and son were copious amounts of cum dried and crusted all over her abdomen, breasts and thighs. More was inside her pussy and stomach.
    Several pieces of silver had been left neatly stacked on the table by her bed. That was so kind of them to leave her a gift. But it really was a lot more than necessary, bless their hearts.
    If she wasn’t covered in dried semen she might have answered the door naked. She had discovered when she answered the sergeant’s knock the previous night that answering the door naked was a cheap thrill. Nevertheless, she modestly covered herself in the blanket and moved slowly over to answer the knock. Her men had used her roughly last night and that was as fast as she could walk.
    She opened the door to find her trainer, Trandall, standing somewhat impatiently in the hall. “Do you always sleep the morning away, Miss Cadwarra?” he asked as he stepped into her room. The High Elf was not happy with her laziness.
    “I am sorry.’ She responded bleary eyed. “I was celebrating Tunare with two good men of Qeynos all night.” She repeated this information to her trainer as if this was ...
    ... important. “Two good men of Qeynos...“ She was a little proud of the fact that she was able to please two men all night and perversely wanted the whole world to know. She was trying to remember if she had had an appointment with Trandall that day or why he was here on what she thought was a day she could have to herself.
    So she wasn’t a virgin, the trainer thought and looked at her standing there in her blanket. This was the first time he had seen her with her hair down. It was a beautiful medium brown mane that fell down her back in a disheveled mess that confirmed she had enjoyed a good roll in the hay last night. Her tresses virtually glowed in the late morning sun shining through the open door behind Trandall.
    She was not covering up as well as she should and a good swell of her big breasts bubbled out over the hem of the blanket. Despite it being obvious she had been ridden hard and put away wet, she did look nice.
    More than once, some of Cadwarra’s fellow trainees had discussed the size of her breasts within earshot of the trainer and he, too, had had lustful thoughts as he watched her well-toned body during training. He had stood close behind her during one particular lesson to show her a proper technique with her mace. He had pulled her shoulder blades into his chest. He felt her supple back muscles flexing as she practiced her swings. Her hair had smelt like cedar.
    Standing over her from behind he had caught a perfect glimpse down her top. His eyes feasted ...