1. A Pretty Elf in Qeynos, Part Three

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Fantasy Bi-sexual Exhibitionism Humiliation Rape Voyeurism Author: Steweird, Source: sexstories.com

    ... glad everyone saw his manly explosion land on Llisanya’s torso.
    It was at that very moment when he so proudly had a huge audience to witness his sexual prowess; to admire how he had taken a willing woman how he pleased; to watch him blast a huge load of sperm onto her. It was at that very moment that a small Arasai girl in the front of the crowd screeched at the top of her voice “That’s the smallest dick I have ever seen! And I’m a Arasai!”
    The crowd was silent for a small instance. Then they laughed. They laughed. A few around her, then more and then everyone. He saw them laughing at him.
    His proud moment shattered into the acme of humiliation. He was stunned. His erection, the one he was so proud to show off, wilted in a thrice to its tiny form and disappeared between his muscular thighs. He knelt there on his knees over Llisanya and was soft. He was soft in front of an immense crowd, not sure how to escape.
    It was Llisanya who saved him. Naked and covered in his lustful spunk she stood. Disdainfully ignoring the mocking crowd she reached for the curtains. Everyone got a last look at her attractive body, skin gleaming with Falco’s seed as it shone in the late afternoon sun. She drew the curtains with a flick of her wrist and Falco and his little dinky were hidden mercifully from further public derision.
    It was now very dim in the room. The gloom hid the pained look on his face. He had lustfully exposed himself to that huge mob and been so proud of his ...
    ... performance. Now he was glad of the darkness to hide his acute embarrassment. She really did feel sorry for him, despite the cruel way he had just treated her.
    Not knowing the Arasai’s cutting remark was engineered by Ellister she nevertheless knew it had played perfectly into her plans to subtly belittle his cock. She felt for him at this moment but she was still on the long con and she needed to keep the scam going. She hugged him and said. “That was very nice. Thank you.”
    He remained silent. He just stood there.
    She looked at him, concern not totally false. “Are you seriously giving that silly Arasai any regard? Really...ignore that stupid Arasai and what she said. Some people just want to say cruel things. Size doesn’t matter. And if a guy can’t make a girl come because his thing is too small you can still make it feel good for me. Let’s bathe and have a cuddle together and forget that little bitch. We had fun.”
    “You didn’t cum, did you?” he asked. His voice was expressionless as if he was in shock. He already knew the answer. He awaited her response like he was standing at the docket waiting to hear a judge passing sentence on his execution.
    “Well...no. I didn’t, I guess. Ummm...maybe a little. But you still felt good.” she added hastily. “I mean, cumming is overrated. Really it is.” She was a consummate actress. Her words of seeming reassurance were spoken with just a hint of condescension, as if she was telling a white lie to someone she considered an inferior. ...