1. A Pretty Elf in Qeynos, Part Three

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Fantasy Bi-sexual Exhibitionism Humiliation Rape Voyeurism Author: Steweird, Source: sexstories.com

    ... last night sounded good, he thought, proud of himself. Nice to know a girl appreciated his ability in the sack. Things were going swimmingly, it seemed.
    Except for one part. He was a little disquieted by her referring to his cock as a handsome LITTLE fellow. But he put it aside as obviously just a figure of speech and she had meant nothing by it.
    Mostly his thoughts were filled with the recent sight of her ass bent over to inadvertently show her snatch. She was certainly ready and his cock was certainly ready. He did not worry further about the accidental insult to the size of his wiener, unsettling though it was.
    He looked at her waiting naked for him to make the next move. Her fit body was waiting for a fuck. He wanted his cock in that. He would give it a good, hard fuck, he decided.
    “Where do you want to do it?” she asked. “We can do it here in the bed or on the floor. After a pause she added “or do you wanna screw by the window so people might accidentally see us indulging in our physical needs?”
    Yeah, “indulging in our physical needs” in the window. That sounded hot. It was like she had read his thoughts and discerned one of his most intense fantasies. He did want people to see. How did she know that was something he would like to do?
    He wanted people to see him rutting the pretty girl. People would see his cock being forced into her and know he was a stud. And he wanted to humiliate her. Whoever she was he wanted her to be known as “that slut that got ...
    ... fucked in the window by Falco”.
    He had done it one other time with a girl publicly and he had really gotten off. It was some time ago. He was with a group of guys he was hanging out with. He was just starting to fit in. They had been too young to be drinking in the taverns so they were in the woods near their village. They had gotten him to steal some whisky.
    One of them had brought a girl along. She drank too much and passed out. All the others had told him to fuck her while she was unconscious. It was his initiation to their group, they said.
    He lay on top of her with her dress pushed up to her armpits and they cheered him on and laughed while he inexpertly tried to put it in. At last he found the right place. He proudly let them see his cock buried inside her so they knew he wasn’t lying when he said he was in the hole. While he drunkenly rode her they told him to move faster so her young buds would jiggle more. They played with them as he kept fucking her. He liked how her titties had yielded under their exploring hands. He delighted in them watching his mounting thrusts. Finally he emptied his cum into her unconscious body. They slapped him on the back in congratulations.
    He performed several more times in front of them that night with her lying there insensible to his repeated debauchery, enjoying them seeing him assault her. They made some good natured jokes at his expense but they were cool and he experienced a bizarre titillation doing it in front of an ...