1. Never In A Million Years (Revised) - ALL TRUE

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: True Story Anal Blowjob Cheating Erotica Male/Female Masturbation Older Male / Female, Romance Author: Detroit_Rising, Source: sexstories.com

    ... just sexual to be sure. I loved the romance of it. I loved how intelligent and well-traveled he was. And he paid for the meal which is very attractive. I had the urge to put my hand on the table and let him hold it and stroke it, but I resisted the urge. He definitely was very attractive to me intellectually. He seemed to have knowledge in a wide variety of areas. I just felt drawn to him like a magnet. I tried not to show it of course. I wanted him to pursue, not me. He looked at me in a very attracted and admiring fashion. I am sure that I blushed a little at least. Oh his hands. I kept thinking about him slipping his arm around my waist. And about his hands going dangerously low.
    "When we stood up, he helped me into my coat and after it was on, he put his hands on my waist and again I felt a warm, familiar curling sensation between my legs. We walked out; I even love even the way he walks with so much confidence. We got out and it was so cold. But I love it being cold because it is so romantic. it makes one want to snuggle up. And it gave me a perfect excuse for me to put my arm in his. I was delighted to be so close to him. He was certainly laughing at me a little because I couldn't remember where I parked, and I had never heard of putting your collar up to keep your neck warm. But I didn't mind it because I knew that he knew I was intelligent. I loved it when he stopped to put my collar up because his sexy hands were on me a little.
    "I very much enjoyed the ...
    ... frigid walk back. We walked to the little fountain waterfall. I took his hand and stepped over to the steps nearer the fountain. His hands are very strong. I imagine them pinning my arms over my head and kissing me. Holding me down and making me succumb to pleasure. I wanted a kiss near the fountain but it was much too soon. I loved snuggling up to him on the walk. His arm around me or holding my hand.
    "And then he said he had chocolate in the room, and I made the fatal suggestion of going to eat chocolate in the room. I drove to the hotel, and he was very gentlemanly, opening all the doors. It made me feel very womanly. We got in the room and I flopped onto the bed. Later I discovered that such a careless movement made him want to make love to me."
    An aside here: The older one gets, if they bother to observe how young people move, they're much more bouncy than adults. Imagine a group of school girls talking excitedly in a school hallway, and you'll get the idea. So Maddison walks into the room and on her way toward the window, she bounces on the bed. It was so cute and inadvertently sexy that I muttered to myself, "I'm a dead man. I can't believe this is happening."
    Madison's journal entry continued, "Under the guise of going to look at the Charlotte view, I walked over to the window, and he came up behind me. Just his closeness made my heart beat very fast. He stood behind me and ran his fingertips on my upper arms. My upper arms are a very erogenous part of my body, ...