1. Never In A Million Years (Revised) - ALL TRUE

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: True Story Anal Blowjob Cheating Erotica Male/Female Masturbation Older Male / Female, Romance Author: Detroit_Rising, Source: sexstories.com

    ... sucking the passion and energy from my soul due to my wife's emotional and physical disinterest. Being with Madison took on extra urgency as I realized she could be so deeply important to me at a level she couldn't possibly understand.
    Madison resisted and resisted until she didn't. Dozens of e-mails tracked the moral battle. Either of us could have walked away. Neither did.
    We'd agreed to meet at a wine bar for dinner. I got there a bit early and ordered a Riesling. Then a second. I'd positioned myself in the very back of the restaurant, faced so I could see the door. Madison arrived. She was prettier than her photos, and I hadn't realized how tall she was, at least 5'8". She didn't see me, so I stood up and walked to greet her. We paused for a moment, eye to eye, my hands in front of me to gently welcome her by taking her's and leading her to our table. It was going to be a nice evening.
    Still to this moment I can't recall the dress she was wearing, except that had a modestly deep neckline with a lace up feature. I did my best to keep my eyes on hers, but her ample breasts made for the most beautiful cleavage.
    We talked for a while, noshed on some great food, drank a little (more) wine, and then Madison announced she needed to go. It wasn't late, but I knew she was working on her thesis, and I didn't want to impinge on her studies.
    Being that it was truly freezing out (below 32°), I asked if she'd mind driving me back to my hotel. She agreed. As we walked ...
    ... to her car, she sheepishly admitted she'd forgotten where she parked. Then she realized she didn't have cash to pay the parking fee. I found this so charming and innocent.
    Perhaps as a life metaphor regarding needs, as we were walking, she shivered. I put my arm around her and turned up the collar on her wool coat. She'd never known you could do that! I guess when Georgia is your home, what comes naturally to those who grew up in the frozen Mid-West wouldn't be second nature. Then she slipped on some ice. I instinctively caught her. That moment it was Madison who melted a little. I kept her warm and safe that walk.
    The dinner and walk surprisingly revealed, that despite our age difference, we clicked. Our personalities and deep-seated needs meshed in a way I still don't understand. This girl with whom I was walking was so young, pretty, smart and vivacious that I didn't want her to go. I told her I'd like some desert. She coyly asked, "What are you hungry for?" Chocolate was the only appropriate verbal answer, although my eyes said otherwise. I casually noted, as if by coincidence, that I had dark chocolate in my room. As we pulled into my hotel, she was the one to suggest that she'd like to come up.
    You could have knocked me over with a feather. Never in a million years.
    As for what happened next, Madison's diary entry puts it in her words. She sent the words below in an email. This is what she wrote in her journal. The action picks up after she gets into her ...