1. The Ghost of Benanee

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Lesbian Sex, Author: byRustyoznail, Source: Literotica

    ... you." She kissed the other boob and said, "Didn't want that one to feel left out. I'll do her tomorrow when there's definitely no one around."
    "Sounds good to me." Vicky pulled her top down and sat back in her chair to finish her dinner. "You know, two years ago if someone had said I'd have a couple of women sucking my boobs and tickling my fancy, I'd have laughed and laughed and laughed."
    "True," Daz said, sitting in her own chair. "My vag has never had so much fun since I met you guys. Lesbian games wasn't ever on my list of things to do."
    "Same. Anyway, what's the plan for tomorrow? You've been a bit vague on that."
    "I want to start at the end of the line at Lette and work up along the old railway formation towards here. I'd like to explore each station site, but I have to look at the old pump station site at Dry Lake. There looks to be an old concrete structure there that should be interesting." Daz chewed on a sausage, then took a sip of her beer. "Try and find the station and in-ground tank sites, photograph the area with the drone, and see if we can find any artefacts from the construction crews or settlers."
    "Early start, I guess?"
    Daryl nodded. "Fraid so. I'd like to be gone by seven. There's a lot of area to cover."
    Riverina Recorder 26 Jan 1929
    The Poet may rave o'er his love's flowing tresses,
    Her lily-white hand, or her beaming blue eye
    The maiden may sigh for her lover's caresses
    At the close of the day, when ...
    ... the gloaming is nigh.
    The miser may gloat o'er his close hoarded treasure,
    As he fondles the moneybags piled on his knee
    But for me, all I ask is a moment of leisure
    To sing of the beauties of blue Benanee.
    I have watched on the crags as the first streak of dawning
    Was fainting the peaks in its ruddiest hue;
    I have roamed the wild mountains as mists of the morning
    Have hidden the sweet smiling valley from view.
    I have sailed 'neath the tropical night starry splendour,
    Out to mystical regions beyond the dark sea
    Still, there's no spot on earth can such feelings engender
    As my shack by the waters of wide Benanee
    There is everything here that a man may desire,
    And like 'Khayam,' there's shelter beneath the green bough.
    There are fields to be cleared, there are forests to fire,
    But there's wealth for the fellow who'll follow the plow
    And if kindly Dame Fortune will send us a season,
    With the plenteous rains that we're hoping to see ;
    And abundance of grain, then I know of no reason
    To regret having settled beside Benanee:
    Lake Benanee, 1928
    (Riverina Recorder 13 Jul 1929 -Benanee News
    Approximately 4000 acres are under crop at Benanee settlement. The early sown crops are well up but an early downpour of rain Is urgently required to ensure a good germination and to freshen up the crops now above ground.)
    The sun beat down relentlessly. Vicky was glad it was still technically spring. ...