The Ghost of Benanee
Date: 7/9/2024,
Lesbian Sex,
Author: byRustyoznail, Source: Literotica
... good spot."
Daryl parked her car in the shade next to a large tree with deep green weeping foliage. "Nice tree Clara. Better than that shit mallee scrub for shade," she said, shouldering her pack.
"It's not a native?" asked Vicky.
"No," Daryl said, "I'm not sure what it is, but I've seen a lot of them around Mildura. They've got a round, pink berry. Are you ok sketching the fireplace while I have a look around. I want to see if Clara has any more hidey holes."
"Can do Daz."
11 Nov 32
The gov. is holding an inquiry into how badly they've mismanaged this. I doubt things will change after we've all told them some truths. They aren't likely to admit they fooked it up.
30 Jan 1933
Finally got some decent wheat to the Koorakee siding. I don't think the rails will ever reach Mylatchie.
11 March 1933
I was asked to join the Lady's Committee for the Werimble School. I begged off, reasoning that I had no children but I would attend any events they held.
Rain is badly needed, Nothing can be planted until we get a good soaking rain shortly. On the good side, rabbits are decreasing. Still, I'm sure there is sufficient seed left to start a fresh crop of bunnys when the rain does come.
2 April 1933
We seem to be the unwanted baby of the PP Board. Their decision not to issue us with wire netting to keep the next rabbit plague at bay is unfathomable. That, and some other questionable decisions, make it appear ...
... they plan to starve us out.
I hate this area. It is such a drear, doleful, desolate place. I want to hear the warble of a magpie, or any bird for that matter. The only sounds are the rustle of leaves and the slip-slip-slip of feet through the sand.
Harry has become more despondent, as have many other settlers. The Board refuses to accept that this is not a region for cropping only and we must be allowed to stock some sheep to provide another source of income. I could look after some sheep. How hard could veterinary treatments be?
"Well, I think that's about it. I've scoured every bit of the clearing, and laid out the markers. Fuck, it's hot. Time for a drink and sit in the shade for a bit."
"Sounds good Daz. I haven't found anything else, and Clara seems to be a bit quiet. I guess we woke her up, and she's now thinking about things as well."
"Probably. Who knows for sure? Anyway, let's read a bit more of her diary. We're well over halfway through it."
10 Sept 1933
The first decent rain for a year. Nary a rabbit to be seen.
5 Jan 1934
Enough seed to try again next season. Harry is trying to be optimistic, but he has been talking more about returning to his parent's farm at Manangatang. He says it's out of concern because of their age but I know he now can't see a future here. They would welcome him back now he has a wife, even if they consider me old and barren. And they are averaging more than our 2 bags an acre.
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