1. The Ghost of Benanee

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Lesbian Sex, Author: byRustyoznail, Source: Literotica

    ... required. I like him. He's a blunt, pragmatic man who wants his men treated as soon as possible instead of waiting for a doctor to arrive from Euston. He is only interested in my medical skills, not the sex to which it's attached, which is refreshing. For my troubles, he gives me 1 lb of flour and a pat of butter a week from the camp's store in lieu of money he can't part with. He has also given me a nice tin of chocolates and a bottle of whisky for Harry just to make sure his intentions are not misinterpreted. That's fine. I like chocolate, and the tin will hold this diary. The men are very respectful, and like my scones, which I must admit, are edible now.
    Do you remember the Shropshire, where we first met? I still dream of that voyage. You were only 23 and lied about your age and years of service to be accepted. I, on the other hand, met the Army's criteria in full. Over 25, yes - I was 28. Qualified as a nurse and had 3 years experience? Yes, and closer to 10. And unmarried? Of course. At that time, I did not wish to be attached to a man. As time moved on, I realised that people's perception of me wove around my marital status. I had many offers of marriage from my patients, as I know you did, you cute little ball of fun, but eventually I decided that there was no choice. I did not want to become a Matron in Charge, and I did not want to be a nurse looking after a herd of squalling babies. I met Harry at Macleod, a TB sanatorium outside of Melbourne. He had perceived ...
    ... my inclinations and confided that he had similar leanings. Obviously in the opposite direction. The only thing we had in common was a dislike of Collingwood. We giggled like a pair of schoolgirls after the ceremony. It was so hypocritical. "Love, honour, and obey?" We agreed that wasn't us.
    I couldn't help but notice you, as you came on board. You struggled with your bags, then your hat blew off letting your curly red locks loose. I was overjoyed when I found we were to share a cabin, and when you gave me those furtive glances you didn't think I noticed while I was undressing for bed? There's a reason the truly unmarried nurses are unmarried.
    One of the workers knocked on my door and asked if I could help at the camp. A drunk fell into the fire and severely burnt his arm and face. John is livid. He asked if he could borrow our lorry to drive the idiot to Euston, as his burns are more than what I can adequately treat. I agreed but insisted that I would drive. It's my vehicle. He was happy with that, so we made a bed for the patient in the back and drove off down the railway. Thank God there are no sleepers yet. I could drive at 30mph all the way in the dark. John has promised 10 gallons of petrol for my trouble. I was happy for the excitement.
    3 Dec
    John came by to thank me again and make good his promise. The doctor was impressed by my work and believes the patient will make a full recovery with minimal scarring. I hope so.
    The HMAT Shropshire. I ...