1. The Ghost of Benanee

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Lesbian Sex, Author: byRustyoznail, Source: Literotica

    ... kissed her friend's nipple. "Noted, but I don't need to figure out how small mine are."
    Daryl returned the kiss and rolled on her side so Vicky could back up to her. Daz draped her arm over Vick's waist and pulled her close. "Night sunshine." "Night gorgeous." Vicky wriggled back against Daryl, feeling the roughness of her pubic hair against her bum. This was a position she'd become used to when sleeping at Daryl's one bedroom flat. Occasionally things got hot, but usually they just held each other, happy with each other's company.
    (Riverina Recorder 20 Dec 1930 -BENANEE
    At it well attended meeting of the Settlers last Sunday arrangements were made for the holding of the annual picnic on New Year's Day, and on Sunday the 28th inst, a working bee, of all those interested in the success of the entertainment, will be held at the Lake to prepare the ground and have everything In readiness, thus saving a lot of labour on the morning of the event.)
    "Maybe later, Daz. Too early." Vicky blearily opened one eye, wondering what had awakened her. A full moon lit the tent which had probably woken her up, but it was the memory of a hand caressing her head and a faint kiss on her cheek that lingered. She frowned, wondering why she had imagined the kiss. Daz had rolled over and was definitely asleep, by the sounds of her gentle snoring. Her bladder was starting to think about being inconvenient, but she told it to behave itself and wait for morning. Going out alone ...
    ... wasn't something she wanted to do.
    'Just remember bladder, it's Halloween and a full moon. Time for bunyips to roam.' Vicky rolled over and hugged Daryl tight. She was a city girl, and the deafening silence outside was unnerving. 'You're a big brave dog...'
    She pressed her face into Daryl's back and inhaled her friend's familiar scent, and slowly counted back from one hundred.
    (Riverina Recorder 13 Feb 1932
    Development Under Insurmountable Difficulties
    A Foolish Policy of Land Settlement
    At present, none other than a fool would take up land on the Benanee areas, and imagine that he could even as much as eke out an existence.)
    Daryl gently lifted Vicky's arm off her and rolled on her back. She figured it was about 7am and the day had all the signs of being another hot one. 'Coffee. Need coffee,' she thought and crawled out of the tent. The sun felt good on her naked body, and she decided to stay like that until they had breakfast. It wasn't often she had the opportunity to wander around bare, and she wanted to make the most of it. She set up the gas stove to put the billy on and thought about the plan for the day. There were two other station sites to visit, Werimble and Koorakee, then the presumed pump station at Dry Lake, but just from her quick look around here, those plans would need to be revised.
    "Is the coffee ready?"
    Daz looked over her shoulder where Vick had crawled out of the tent, wearing only a ...