A Captain Decision
Date: 7/5/2024,
Science-Fiction ,
Author: pars001
... as he started to scream also falling to his knees.
Might I suggest that you warn the rest not to fuck with me, OK? With that, I broke contact.
I started to open my mouth as I felt another two percent slip into place. Great, I thought. What was it he called it? Ah! The Crodasome would almost gone from my system before it had all of my mind stable.
I sat as I again tried to accelerate, my mind adjusting faster. I slowly smiled as I felt three percent more slip rising up to eighty-five percent. That was a hell of a lot better than it had been. Another three percent slipped into place as I felt the process start to slow.
Again, I was about to speak when I felt a small inkling of how to do what Picard had suggested. I reached out as I felt a layer of energy surround us.
I heard four devices beep alarms as we were completely engulfed.
"Not sure what this is, it seems to be blocking almost all energy signatures," Picard said.
I nodded as I felt for any more like the two, I had shut down. "Damnit, I wish we had something we could get to the last fourteen. With their firepower, I am afraid that they could decimate the earth," I said.
Even as the words left my mouth, a large, sleek, ship appeared. It was a cross between a Star Fleet shuttle, and a small version of Dylan's ship appeared.
I only shook my head as I felt another two percent slip into place. The ship opened in front of us. I looked at the other four as I turned and entered.
As soon as the ...
... others entered, the doors closed, the ship rose, entering orbit in thirty seconds.
"Sir? Would you like to go into stealth?" A voice asked.
"Who asked that?" I asked, wondering why the voice was so familiar.
The exact holo - graphic vision of the A.I. on the Andromeda appeared in front of me. "I did sir, again I ask would you like to go into stealth?"
I blinked as I stared at "Rommie", "Yes, I also need the location of the other fourteen ships." I turned to look at Dylan as he had his mouth open, then closed it as he nodded.
"Hello Captain Hunt, it is good to be working with you again," Rommie said.
"You as well Rommie, you as well," Dylan Hunt said with a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Sir," Rommie said as several chairs appeared, one in the center of the room. "Your command chair is ready. All fourteen of the ships have been located. Though they have split into two groups."
"I want to start to take them out as soon as possible," I said.
"Might I suggest that we take the Magog first? I have a feeling they have been producing as many spawn as they could. Thier's is a more subtle way of invading," Dylan suggested.
"Alight, the Magog first," I told Rommie.
I was surprised at how fast we moved. One moment we were on one side of earth, the next? We were right behind them.
"Fire all weapons," I said, as particle weapons, lasers, phasers, plus several smart missiles activated. I was happy as the Magog ships started to explode 'til I saw the massive ...