1. Jodie's Slaves Part Two

    Date: 7/4/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Rape Written by women Young Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... daughter you sick fuck!”
    I lashed out with the crop catching her across the stomach making her bend over and squeal.
    “Stand up straight you sick little slut!” I ordered, popping her on the thigh. I gave her almost enough time to internalize that pain before snapping at her,
    “Arms to the sides now! Look at me!” I took hold of her hair firmly, “You know what is coming, don’t you, Toy? You have known all morning. Have you already imagined the pain over and over again? Have you lived the next few hours in your mind until you wanted to run? You can’t run, you know. And I am angry at the thought that you lived the pain in your imagination without me! The pain you suffer belongs to me, slut! It is for my enjoyment. How dare you cause yourself anguish with no thought to my pleasure?”
    She didn’t know what to say to such an unreasonable demand. Really, no answer was possible. She could not possibly have abstained from thinking about what was going to happen to her. But I was unreasonable by choice. If I only made reasonable demands, she would fulfill them instantly, giving me no reason to punish her...and I did so want to punish her! Especially for something she could not have helped, something it never would have occurred to her to try and stop.
    I started fitting the head harness, hanging it from her neck.
    Standing over the short woman, the tall shoes I had one I could tell it was only going to get more awkward when I got to the modified crotch strap. Barb had ...
    ... been on a low stool when making and fitting it in the tack room and had even brought it out to the hall.
    What a good little pet she is, I notice.
    I took both nipples in a firm grasp, one of my favorite ways to touch her. “Step forward and onto the stool!” She almost hesitated and that slight misstep caused her to hit the side of the stool. She put her foot back to the floor quickly to catch her balance.
    “Listen slut! I dont have time to count up your fucking hesitaions, so hold on to my arms and step the fuck up on to the stool!” I pulled her by the nipples until she was up and stable. I had stood on it myself when I was alone in the barn. I had made quite sure it would not rock or slide under her. A stable platform was necessary once you took away someone’s ability to use their arms..
    “Arms out to your sides!” I ordered and this time there was no hesitation from her. We had done a dry run of the body harness with her fully clothed. I understood how each buckle was to be tightened from the top closure to the crotch strap between her legs. Getting it in place was only the beginning, though. Once it was on I went back over every buckle and strap in succession, tightening them until the whole thing dug into her now naked flesh deliciously.
    As I tightened each strap, I raised the pitch of my voice until I was using my “Julie voice.” Her face filled with the red blush of shame as my words turned her on despite herself.
    “Mom, you really look like a slut in this!” I ...