1. Whispers of the Past Ch. 02

    Date: 7/3/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byRobeth123, Source: Literotica

    ... reverberated around the room, "Yessss, aaarrrgghhh," Alli was exploding with joy, her body arching and stretching, her legs squeezing tight in a passionate embrace of her sister "Aaarrrghhh, fuuccckkk."
    "God, don't stop, eating my cunt, oooohhh fuck, eat my pussy all out," Alli moaned
    "Ooohhh, come on sis, don't stop, lick my twat, lap it clean, ooooohhh, fuuuckkk, yesss, fuuucckkk,"
    She flopped down, breathing heavily as she recovered from the blast of pleasure that had just torn through her. "That was wonderful," she managed to gasp after a few moments.
    "I think we have unleashed an animal here tonight! You will cause me to up my game."
    She turned and crawled up to my face and we both beheld our glazed faces from each other's cum.
    "I love you, sis," Alli said softly and tenderly, "Thank you for allowing me this moment."
    "It was honestly my pleasure."
    We cuddled before cleaning up. I gave her the option of putting on our pajamas and she asked if we could sleep naked on our first night. Again this was confirming her deep need for human connection. I woke just barely before her and was pouring my first cup of coffee when I heard the toilet flush and knew she was up. I poured her a cup and had it ready when she came into the kitchen.
    "So," she began, "How do you guys normally keep this from being awkward the morning after?"
    "Normally your daughter kisses me good morning which sometimes turns into a full-blown make out session."
    "That sounds ...
    ... like something she would do."
    "What would serve you the best right now little sister?"
    After a pause, she said, "I guess I just need some reassurance that we are both ok with this new arrangement between us."
    I put my coffee down and approached her putting my arms around her waist. Since she was a few inches taller than me I buried my face in the nape of her neck and held her for a good ten seconds. Then I looked up and gave her a brief peck on the lips.
    "You are my sister. That will never change. Whatever happens with your daughter and my husband is yet to be known. No matter what, you are also my lover and will be until you tell me you're done with that season of our relationship. Do we understand each other?"
    "I'm so happy you said that. Thanks sis."
    We had some breakfast and then I kissed her goodbye. The kiss was a goodbye of hungry lovers more than a sister but I had a plan that required she was desiring more. After we broke the dam of physical affection I could see her needing to make up for lost time.
    Robert called as soon as he got on the road and I didn't make him wait until the drive back to tell him everything. At one point I think he had to pull over to take it all in and when it was over he asked what I was going to do. I told him that I had a plan if he trusted me I would put him on a need-to-know basis. He agreed and I told him the only part he needed to know now was that next Friday I was going to need some time with Milly and would be ...