1. Getting Married Set Me Free Pt, 13

    Date: 7/3/2024, Categories: Fiction Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Written by women Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com

    ... right by Dylan’s feet and said ‘good evening’ to us. When I first saw them I stopped bouncing up and down on Dylan but there was no way that they didn’t know what we were doing.
    A little later we took a break whilst we walked back to our bungalow where we continued until we finally fell asleep, me laying back on Dylan’s chest. We’d left the big doors open and the lights on so anyone walking by would have been able to see what we were doing.
    Dylan’s cock was still inside me when I woke up and I didn’t know if it had been hard all night or he had a morning woody that had found it’s way inside me, but I didn’t care which it was. Dylan woke up as I lifted myself up to properly ride him until we’d both cum.
    We made it to breakfast just before they stopped serving. I wore a cut-off net tank top and a tiny wrap skirt that doesn’t quite make it all the way around me and opens up when I walk or sit down. The tank top is just long enough to cover my nipples leaving the lower part of my tiny tits uncovered. My nipples sometimes managing to poke their way through one of the holes in the net.
    As we sat eating we discussed our plans for the day and we decided to have a day wandering around Cancun.
    “I think that I’ll wear what I’ve got on for the trip.” I said,
    “That’s good with me Esther, I’m sure that I don’t have to remind you to act like you are dressed like a nun.”
    “I know, act like I’m fully covered. I’m getting quite good at that but I still like ...
    ... seeing the men’s faces when they realise that they can see a nipple or my slit.”
    “And if I think that you haven’t noticed someone staring at you I’ll let you know Esther.”
    “My hero, is little Dylan going to stick out like that all day? If it is maybe we should postpone our day out until tomorrow.”
    “I don’t know Esther, you know that I have no control over it and it was your idea for me to take a blue pill last night.”
    “Yes it was, and it was well worth whatever it cost you.”
    “The cost is irrelevant Esther, it’s your happiness that is the most important thing. I’ll put some tight boxers on to try to keep it under control.”
    “Okay, and I’ll promise to not keep grabbing it or bending over and kissing it.”
    “If it gets out of control we could always look for the historical sights in the town, that should kill off any arousal that either of us has.”
    “I really hope that it doesn’t come to that, I hate history as much as you do.”
    “Hey Esther, if we find an area where there are lots of men you can walk ahead of me and see if you get more attention than if we were holding hands.”
    “That’s a nice idea, you know that I love most of the things that people say. But they might be in Spanish and I won’t understand them.”
    “I’m pretty sure that you’ll get the general idea of what they are saying. Are you about ready to go and clean your teeth?”
    Twenty minutes later we were in the hotel lobby waiting for a taxi that the concierge had arranged for us. It didn’t take ...