1. Getting Married Set Me Free Pt, 13

    Date: 7/3/2024, Categories: Fiction Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Written by women Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Those ropes were supported by wooden posts around a metre tall but between the posts the ropes sagged and Dylan suggested that I straddle the longest length of rope that sagged to about my pussy height.
    I got up and did as Dylan suggested and immediately felt the rope against my pussy.
    “This feels nice,” I said.
    “Now shuffle your feet forwards.”
    “Ooow, this is good.” I said as I kept shuffling and the knobbly rope dragged over my clit.
    “Keep going Esther.”
    I did, right until I was on the tips of my toes as the rope rose to the next post, the pressure in my clit and the rest of my pussy being so great that it was starting to hurt. I backed-up, back to the middle of the length of rope then shuffled forwards again until I was on my tiptoes again.
    “You know,” I said, “if someone could invent a machine where a big circle of this rope was going round and round and rubbing a girl’s pussy, these knobbly bits would quickly make her cum.”
    “Yes, I can see that, but I’m not an inventor, maybe I’ll have a word with Craig, remember him at the Rugby Club dinner with his spanking machine Esther, maybe he could invent one.”
    “How could I forget Craig and his spanking machine, you’ll have to get one of those for me, then you can strap me onto it whenever I’m being naughty and switch it on.”
    “You’re never naughty Esther.”
    “I’d start being naughty whenever I want you to spank me Dylan, Hey, when are you going to take one of those blue pills?”
    “Right now ...
    ... Esther, if you go and get them for me. You do know that they don’t work instantly, I don’t swallow it and my cock instantly starts to rise.”
    As I was getting off the rope I replied,
    “I know, maybe we could get someone to invent a pill that does give you an instant hard-on.”
    “One to give you an instant hard-on and a different one to make you suddenly wilt, a bit like a light switch, on and you’re hard and off and you’re soft.”
    We both had a little laugh at the thought of someone inventing something like that, then Dylan put one of the blue pills in his mouth and took another swig of his beer.
    “How long will it take?” I asked.
    “Come here and sit on my lap Esther. I don’t need a pill to get me hard, just looking at you and touching you does that. I’m just hoping that that pill will keep me hard for a few hours.”
    I went and sat on Dylan’s lap with my back to his front and his flaccid cock resting along my pussy. As Dylan’s hands caressed my tits and the rest of my torso I leant my head back and felt his cock start to get hard.
    The light sensor on the lights of the balcony and the along the path came on, lighting what was becoming a dark veranda and path, and Dylan and me. If anyone were to walk along the path they’d see us all lit up.
    I wiggled my butt until Dylan’s cock entered me then I relaxed. After a minute or so I said,
    “So will this viagra stop you from cumming or just stop you from going soft after you have cum?”
    “I have no idea.” Dylan replied, ...