1. Getting Married Set Me Free Pt, 13

    Date: 7/3/2024, Categories: Fiction Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Written by women Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com

    ... cock inside you and seeing you cumming is all that I could ever want. You are amazing Esther, but I worry about you, your pussy, isn’t it getting sore is it?”
    “No, fuck me non-stop all day then ask me again. What I’ll probably say is that the only complaint that I have is the lack of sleep. I love you Dylan Hargreaves.”
    “And I love you too Esther Hargreaves. Now, I need some breakfast then I think that we should have another lazy day on the beach although I suspect that my front won’t get much sun today.”
    I giggled a little as we put some clothes on then headed to the main building to get some breakfast. Unfortunately, we had spent too much time fucking and we were too late for breakfast so we headed back out to the little cafe / bar by the pool and ordered something there.
    Then it was back to the bungalow to prepare for more sunbathing on the beach. Fortunately Dylan’s cock wasn’t presenting him with an embarrassing problem, that is until we got onto the beach and I asked him to put some sunblock on me. As usual, he put a lot more on my tits and pussy than the rest of me and that got his blood pumping to his cock again.
    It looked like Dylan was right when he said that his front wouldn’t get much sun that day.
    The viagra seemed to wear off during the afternoon and Dylan’s cock pointed to the sand as we walked up and down the water’s edge and went for a swim. That swim was the first that we’d had without him fucking me.
    Later in the afternoon we moved to ...
    ... the swimming pool and sat at the bar, both of us naked, and had another drink.
    “Oh what a life.” I said to Dylan.
    We left the pool when the sun started to go down and Dylan’s cock rose again when we shared the shower.
    “Are you going to take another of those blue pills?” I asked as I bounced up and down after jumping up on him and impaling myself.
    “I thought that we’d give it a miss this evening, maybe go and see what the casino is like.”
    “I’ve never been to a casino before.” I said.
    “Neither have I, but I’ve played some of the games that they play there.”
    Dylan continued lifting and lowering my butt right through my first orgasm and as I reached my second peak he shot his load deep inside me.
    “Viagra worn off then.” I said when I was able.
    “I guess so, but there’s plenty of time and plenty more where that one came from. Maybe later, let’s see how things go.”
    When it came time for me to put some clothes on I decided on another of Bethany’s creations. It’s a red micro dress that actually looks as though it’s designed for a size 14 or 16 girl. What I love about it is the top part. It’s sleeveless with spaghetti straps and the back is cut quite low. The front part that covers my tits is like a bikini top, 2 triangles, but the base of the triangles are far apart. Because the whole dress is very loose fitting the whole dress moves around and my tits are frequently uncovered.
    When I bend over even a little bit Dylan tells me that he can see down the ...