1. Getting Married Set Me Free Pt, 13

    Date: 7/3/2024, Categories: Fiction Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Written by women Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com

    ... machines. I never expected to win and I wasn’t disappointed but the fascination was still there.
    My mother had found me watching the people playing on those slot machines and given me a right mouthful about the sins of gambling. It was a good job that she hadn’t seen me playing on those machines. All Dylan said was,
    “I’m going to fuck your brains out when we get back to the bungalow.”
    Returning to reality, we rushed back to the bungalow and Dylan took another of those blue pills before we cleaned our teeth.
    It was a long time before we got any sleep.
    The next day was much the same as the previous one, except that we didn’t go to the casino. Instead we had an early night and Dylan took another blue pill and we again didn’t get much sleep.
    We kept up our fucking our sleeping partner to wake them up and I was riding Dylan the following morning as we watched people heading to the beach along the path only a few metres from us.
    We decided to have room service deliver us some breakfast and I had to leave Dylan in the shower to go and tell the waiters where to leave the trays. Yes, waiters, one boy and one girl, both staring at the naked me as I rummaged through Dylan’s shorts pockets to get them a tip. They both smiled at me as I stood in front of them to hand them the money.
    We actually took the breakfast out onto the veranda to eat and waved to and said hello to a few people who walked passed. My tiny tits were visible but that was ...
    ... all.
    Breakfast over we sat there deciding what to do that day. After a few suggestions from both of us Dylan said,
    “What about you going to the spa and having a massage Esther?”
    “Well okay, but I like your massages, they go to places that I doubt that a professional masseuse would, and they’ll probably be booked up anyway.”
    “You’ll never know if you don’t go and have one, phone reception and see when they can fit you in.”
    So I did, and was surprised that they could fit me in in an hour. When I told Dylan he was pleased and re-assured me that he was sure that I’d enjoy it.
    Fifty minutes later I was wearing just a dress and walking to the spa. I was met by a young woman who gave me a list of services that they offered. There was all sorts on there from mud facial to pedicures. The only item on the list that I was interested in was a Full Massage. When I said that I just wanted the Full Massage the woman replied,
    “And would you like that to be a Full Massage with a Happy Ending?”
    I had no idea what a Happy Ending was but the word ‘happy’ sounded, well happy, so I replied.
    “Yes please.”
    I was then led to a little room that had a window looking out over the swimming pool.
    “Would you care to take off all your clothes and lay face down on the table and the Masseur will be with you shortly.”
    I did just that and lay with my head on the side so that I was looking out over the swimming pool. It seemed an eternity before I heard the door open and a man ...