1. Getting Married Set Me Free Pt, 13

    Date: 7/3/2024, Categories: Fiction Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Written by women Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com

    ... side street Dylan caught up to me and made a grab for the velcro fastening of the skirt. It came undone and I walked out of the skirt leaving it in Dylan’s hand. I walked for another 50 or so metres, bottomless, with a few people walking towards me. Amazingly. It was only one young man who said something in Spanish but I ignored him and kept walking. Nearly all the other people just ignored me.
    Dylan caught up to me again and gave me the skirt which I put on, again leaving my pubis uncovered. Then I turned to face Dylan and gave him a big hug and kiss.
    “Thank you so much Dylan, that was awesome, we’ve got to do that again sometime, sometime soon.”
    “We will Esther, but we need to get back to the hotel, I need to do something to you that if we did it here there’s a good chance that we’d end up in jail.”
    I giggled a little and tingled some more as Dylan took my hand and we walked to where we could get a taxi back to the hotel.
    As we entered the hotel we saw lots of people with suitcases and we guessed that the were arriving for the upcoming conference.
    Dylan popped one of those pills and we spent the rest of the evening and most of the night fucking, only stopping for food from room service, Dylan hiding his hard-on in the bathroom whilst the naked me took delivery of the food. I noted that we always seem to get the food delivered by different waiters, not that I was complaining.
    I watched some people walking to the beach as I rode Dylan as soon as ...
    ... I woke up the following morning. Then it was shower time.
    Unfortunately we arrived too late for breakfast but we did notice that the restaurant was quite full.
    “That damned conference I presume.” Dylan said as we headed to the bar outside to get some food there.
    As we sat at a table I took my dress off and sat there naked. I wasn’t displaying anything other than my tiny tits but I didn’t want to encourage any tan lines. Whilst we were eating we saw quite a few women of all ages coming out of the hotel and going to either the swimming pool or the beach and Dylan thought that they must be the partners of men who were attending the conference.
    We made it to the beach, for another lazy day, with Dylan managing to hide his hard-on under his shorts but as we lay on the sun loungers I giggled a little, telling him that whilst we were in the department store in Cancun we should have bought him a too small pair of speedos that would have held his cock tight against his stomach.
    “It’s alright for you Esther, girls have all their sex organs on the inside so you don’t have the problems that us guys have.”
    “Would you like me to give you a blowjob to see if that makes it go down?” I asked.
    “Yes I would, I really would, but there’s too many people around. One of those old biddies is bound to complain.”
    “I have an idea,” I replied, “pass me my snorkel and mask and lets get in the sea.”
    Dylan guessed what I was thinking and we made it to the sea with him holding my ...