1. A Cock in the Hand Ch. 07

    Date: 7/2/2024, Categories: Diary , Blackmail, Blowjob Cum Swallowing Domination/submission Gay Humiliation Non-consensual sex Reluctance Author: rimaday, Source: sexstories.com

    ... the rest of the trip. You get home Monday?"
    "Yes sir, thank you sir." I added the awkward thank you for his comment about not punishing me.
    "It will be punishment enough for you to refrain for that long. But no cheating this time. Monday night you can fuck the hell out of Amy for the night, but Tuesday night is Poker night. Come over about 7:00 and tell Amy it could be a late night. You'll get all the cock you can handle my friend. See you then!"
    He hung up, just like that. I lay there stunned and collecting myself for a moment before getting dressed. I almost left the stockings under my pants but had a sudden image of being put through the airport scanner and security seeing the outline of them on the screen and took them off.
    As the day rolled on the audacity of telling me I could fuck my wife sank in and the mind-numbing cycle of anger at him followed by the memory of coming in my costume and the depraved need to please him. My mind bounced from image to image like a deranged slide show I couldn't turn off.
    The next night I talked to Amy about being invited to poker night, the Tuesday after my return. Her immediate reaction was silence, followed by a hesitant acceptance. I felt a sense of panic. Did she know?
    "Is everything ok Sweetie? I asked nervously.
    "Yes, it's fine, I was just thinking, you'll be gone ten days then I only get you for one night. But I know you used to have poker nights in Baltimore before we got married. This will be your first ...
    ... time in a long time. Have fun, but just be careful. Like you said, we don't know much about him.
    Every night, I fought the urge to lay naked on the bed with only my stockings and rub myself off. I didn't dare put them on or I would succumb to the urge. It took all of my will not to do it, but I made it through the rest of the trip.
    Back in Dallas, I finished the post flight check list and headed to the car. The thought of seeing Amy and the kids had me smiling. The stress and shame of my situation was suppressed by the joy of getting to see them and thoughts of welcoming unconditional hugs from Caleb and Ashley.
    Suddenly, my semi-Zen moment was shattered by the familiar sight of the police SUV in the parking garage near my vehicle. I pretended not to notice hoping It wasn't Officer Reeves and, if it was, hoping he didn't notice me. I reached my car and quickly tried to unlock the door when I heard the SUV door open. I continued into my vehicle until his voice echoed through the garage. "Mr. Steven Stilson," he said sternly.
    I froze halfway in the car. "Why is it every time we get a call for suspected soliciting in this parking garage, you are present?"
    I stood back up, staring at the ground.
    "I asked a question, Mr. Stilson."
    I struggled to come up with a response. The situation was so completely absurd, I was speechless. He was the one soliciting and these games were getting out of hand. I spoke, breaking the awkward silence.
    "I'm sorry Officer Reeves, ...