1. A Cock in the Hand Ch. 07

    Date: 7/2/2024, Categories: Diary , Blackmail, Blowjob Cum Swallowing Domination/submission Gay Humiliation Non-consensual sex Reluctance Author: rimaday, Source: sexstories.com

    ... laugh.
    "Wow CC. What a difference a day makes. That little thing looks kind of pitiful don't you think? This is what happens when you go against your true nature, my friend. Submission and obedience make your dick hard. Defiance makes you limp. Now we are going to have to work for it today. So, tell me, do you have the video on your lap top Captain?"
    I stood naked and defeated staring at my phone propped on the desk, at the mercy of the man that violated my home and was a heartbeat away from ruining my marriage. I answered pathetically. "Yes sir."
    "Good, now get your dildo, lube, and laptop. Then position the phone camera with a view of the bed. I want you on the bed, hands and knees, ass high for the camera and we'll watch the video together."
    I did as commanded, trying to think of a way out but if Amy ever saw this, it would be over. The arrogance of this bastard was boundless. Not only did he go to my house but shook Amy down for money and I was powerless to stop him! It was the ultimate in humiliation. On my knees, naked, with my ass to the camera, cock limp as a noodle, trying to imagine ever being hard again, but knowing he was expecting me to come, not once but twice. I really thought I would throw up instead.
    "To put you at ease my friend. After working for Amy today, it is obvious she is quite satisfied. She spoke highly of you and was moved by your kindness to a stranger in need. I shared my gratitude for your generosity and pension for helping ...
    ... others in need. She shared how happy she was with your support adjusting to a new city and job. She is quite the catch you're a lucky man. Your mother-in-law on the other hand is a flirty little spitfire. I've never really thought much about the MILF thing, but she has me thinking."
    In some demented way his words set me at ease. Not that he could be trusted, but his attention to Ericka put me at ease regarding Amy. None the less as I assumed the position, my dick was lifeless, and I could not imagine what his wrath would be when I failed to perform.
    "You are obviously distressed today CC. We're going to have to take it slow. I do like the look of that ass held high for me. Thank you. Remember how hard you came with my cock in that tight little ass, my friend..."
    My internal voice yelled, "You are not my friend!"
    "Remember the first time you took all of me, CC? I'm still in awe that you've done what no one else could. You took it with such enthusiasm..." He sighed heavily. "I can almost feel it now. My cock is getting hard thinking about it. Um, and the feel of my stiff dick sliding into your throat..."
    That twisted feeling of pride for deep throating his huge dick began to make my cock stir. I was angry with myself as I felt that familiar tingling wave start to build in my groin, like some Pavlovian dog programed to respond mindlessly.
    "Ok CC let's start the video when I countdown, in three... two... one.
    I balanced one hand and pushed the start button on the ...