1. Ahsoka Tano Dreams of a Temple

    Date: 7/2/2024, Categories: Fiction Alien, Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Fan fiction, Hardcore Teen Teen Male/Teen Female Author: NeoMintCity, Source: sexstories.com

    ... through the waters. The water hid nothing of her form. Coming to the steps at the other side she raised out of the waters with each advancement. All of her worries, fears, and thoughts of the past and future were cleaned away with the water. Now it was only her and this moment.
    Stepping toward the center of the room, not a single drop of water clung to her. She stood in the light. Before her, the temple was cloaked in darkness. The shadows still and not at the same time.
    The two montrals, which humans often mistook for horn or hair, vibrated sensing movement in the shadows. Instinctively one hand covers her breast the other slips to her hip. The shadow before her shifted, it grew into a man, he looked only a year or two older than her.
    “Who are you?” A man’s voice asks.
    “Soka.” She answers, “You?”
    Is he naked too?
    She thinks.
    “Are you taking the Inquisitor Trials too?” He asks.
    Her naked orange physique drops to a low combat stance. One leg back; the other forward. Both hands pass her hips reaching for lightsabers, not there.
    ‘Sith.’ she whispers.
    “Wait, I know you. You are a dead Jedi. So this is my trial. A ghost from the past.” Koawyn says as he steps forward into an aggressive combat stand. The light washes from his head to his waist. His hand reaches over his shoulder and grasps air. Naked, his hard lean body was now exposed in the light. His skin; pale, always hidden from the light by dark clothing. His hair; black and short, ...
    ... just long enough to be feathered if he ran a hand through it.
    Ahsoka shifts her stance to match his moves as she was trained. Staying low her chest wiggles in the cool air. Her hands, elbows, and shoulder flexing and twisting as she adjusts to counter his next move. Raising her head and chest slightly, she tests him. Her athletic arms squeeze her breast together as she rolls her shoulders and hips in opposite directions. The Sith don't fall for her allure.
    Advancing out of the darkness Koawyn charges at the naked orange-skinned Togruta. He focuses on her arms and shoulder. His control allowing him not to stare at her swaying orange breasts as her blue and white lekku bounce off the perfect orbs. Her amber-orange nipples point away from her. Hands extended before him, he reaches for her arms. Intending to overpower her.
    She swept her leg at his knees.
    He misses.
    She misses.
    Ahsoka’s strong lean leg struck the side of his pale calf. He tumbled as she raised up, planning her next strike. Her nakedness and his were far from her thoughts.
    Koawyn's leg disappeared from under him. He twisted into the fall. One hand then the other closed not on her arms, but on soft orange pillows. They wiggled in his grasp. A small stiff kyber crystal pressed along the inner flesh of each thumb. The Sith acolyte rolled onto his side then back and the Jedi ghost was pulled down with him. His strong hand mashing the soft flesh of her large breasts.
    “Ah. Ha ah!” she moans loudly ...