1. Ahsoka Tano Dreams of a Temple

    Date: 7/2/2024, Categories: Fiction Alien, Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Fan fiction, Hardcore Teen Teen Male/Teen Female Author: NeoMintCity, Source: sexstories.com

    The Dreams
    Ahsoka Tano woke up in a cold sweat. Drops of cool sweet sweat ran down her head tails, both front lekku covered in fine wrinkles. Only another Togruta or a Twi’leks would notice the wrinkles. She pulled one lekku from between her cleavage. It had been resting there as if it was seeking the warmth and comfort of her developed breasts. Wiping the sweat from her head tail she licked her fingers. Enjoying the sweet flowery taste her species produced. Not salty like a human’s.
    Stretching first, she reached for her breasts pulling at her old tube top she slept in. The red cloth was thin with age and stretched to its limits. It made for comforting nightwear, filled with memories of a safer time. Each breast would require both her orange hand to hold. She smiled, they stood on their own nearly perfect round orbs. Just a hint of a teardrop shape.
    She smiled a second time and thought of an elderly Jedi Master. Master Layda had pulled aside several youngling females at one point. She warned them if their breasts got too large when they were older they would have to use the Force to support them. Especially if they were in combat. She made them practice for a week with two balls of water.
    Ahsoka smiled at the thought then frowned, the dream rushed back at her. A task to complete on a distant planet.
    Using the tube top she began drying her glistening orange skin. She stole licks of her sweet juice here and there from her slender fingers. Only stopping when ...
    ... the fabric was soaked. Tossing the cloth on a pile of clothes she made her decision regarding the intense dreams. They had awakened her for the last three nights.
    “S1-UT, are you there?” she called out.
    A short chirp answered from the Maxillipede shuttle’s cockpit.
    “Locate and set course for the Asmriunin System.”
    A whistle and a few chirps came seconds later.
    “12 hours?” she asked. “It will have to do. Plot the course and jump to hyperspace.” S1-UT chirped in affirmative as Ahsoka looked around the converted shuttle. Gone were all the extra seats. She had modified the craft into a home of sorts. Stole from a salvage yard. She had lived in it for the last six months. Gone was the blue paint of the failed civil war. She had even removed all the old Separatist markings and emblems. She had it painted white with orange highlights. A homage to her Togruta skin and natural makings.
    Maybe I can use some Jedi stress-relieving techniques,
    she thought. Leaning back, her hand fell upon an ornate box. A large smile crossed her amber lips.
    Or I could use non-Jedi techniques,
    she thought. Ahsoka pulled out her private saber.
    “S-oney, when you're done come here. I have an important mission for you to complete.” She said.
    Ahsoka then placed the saber between her ample breasts to warm it up. Twisting one nipple she bit the corner of her lower lip.
    The same droid’s double chirp came from the cockpit.
    One hand caressed her stomach as she pulled back the ...