1. Molly’s Initiative

    Date: 6/30/2024, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Consensual Sex Erotica Female solo, Romance Teen Teen Male/Teen Female Author: NeoMintCity, Source: sexstories.com

    ... blushed.
    Molly felt a rivulet of juice slip out of her honey pot. It rolled down between her ass cheeks. Her nipples hardened. The two pick rocks threatening to push off the small triangles resting on her breasts. Sliding the magazine off her legs as she turned to Jonny and sat up. Arching her back she accentuated her breasts. One leg slips off the lounge chair, the wedge clacks lightly as she places it on the concrete. Pulling her other leg close to her chest she looks up at the mass of muscles.
    Fuck, how did I not notice how cute he is?
    She thinks. Her legs spread giving him a show. She felt another rivulet ooze from her lips and slide downwards.
    His eyes locked on her. Not her smile or the loose straps threatening to fall off and expose her breasts, but lower. On her clean-shaven pussy, the bikini bottom was loose. It hung to one side slightly, almost clinging to her thigh. Juices flowed out of it. His cock hardened, pressing on the tight-fitting fabric. It threatened to slide down his leg. His body instinctively shifts, trying to give his cock space to swell in his black shorts.
    Her eyes drift down his body. His muscles looked bigger than when she watched him from her window. Dropping from his abs her eyes locked on his cock. It was snaking its way down his shorts. The bulge grows with each breath.
    she thought. She asked, “How big is it? I mean how did you get so much muscle?” She blushed and tried not to bite her lip.
    “Oh, when you left ...
    ... my uncle put me to work laying bricks.” he answered, “I’ve been working after school and on weekends ever since.”
    She licked her lips, his head had stopped growing halfway to his knee. The cloth does little to hold it back or hide its size.
    Good job Uncle Wells,
    she thought, looking up to his six-pack.
    “Oh, but don't worry, I still play with the group every week. We started a new campaign after you left.”
    “Cool, cool. So do you bring your girlfriend to the game?”
    “Girlfriend? Ah, no, I don't have one.”
    “Me either. Or a boyfriend.”
    Molly slides to the edge of the lounge chair and starts to rise. She was halfway up when her left breast bumped into Jonny’s reaching hand. Without a thought, his fingers cupped her soft warm boob. Her nipple pokes his palm. Before he can say it was an accident, she speaks.
    “Jonny, I was just thinking the same thing.”
    He turns bright red.
    Molly’s left-hand grasps his shorts. Pulling him close and giving her other hand an opening to snake down along his cock. She begins to lower herself into a squat. Pulling the drawstring she slides his shorts to his ankles. He steps out of them.
    “Let me show you what I’ve learned at college.” She says with a grin. Molly extends her forearm, resting his balls in her hand. Little Jonny’s cock runs from her wrist to her elbow. His dark pink cockhead leaked precum into the crevice of her elbow. It was warm and sticky.
    Fuck, that has to be 8? 9? Inches,
    she thinks. Looking up he ...