1. Molly’s Initiative

    Date: 6/30/2024, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Consensual Sex Erotica Female solo, Romance Teen Teen Male/Teen Female Author: NeoMintCity, Source: sexstories.com

    With an upward tug, her bedroom window slid open. Fresh air rolled in. Molly flopped onto her bed, her legs hanging off the edge. Using one foot to free the other she slipped out of her Old Skool Vans. The stuffiness of a room unused, since she started college, was replaced with sweat summer air. The flight had been long, cross country. Mother was still at work. Dad worked the late shift. She had no choice but to call a car. Thankful her mom had sent her traveling funds.
    Running one hand through her short hair Molly’s gaze roamed around the room. Across her assortment of miniatures, her role-playing book collection. Loving parents kept the room the same, posters and all. A gigantic blue dragon leered at her from across the room. Its blue-white scales rippled with muscles telling her he would jump from to poster if she wanted. Standing over a fallen castle wall his wings spread, majestic. Without thought Molly chewed on her lower lip.
    One hand rested on her chest. Her fingers brushed onto her supple b-cup breast under her oversized t-shirt. Her right hand tugged at the buttons on her loose-fitting jeans. She imagines the dragon descending above her. Its scale cover prepuce parted and the foreskin gave way to a long throbbing light blue shaft.
    As the dragon's cock sleek and arrow-like head neared her. Twin veins ran along either side of the shaft; they glowed as if made of lightning. Magically the beast was only slightly larger than her. The blue’s ...
    ... long fork tongue extended to her. Its head tilted and he began lower with slow beats of his massive wings. She opened her mouth and legs as it closed the distance.
    The dragon’s head bucked up and started flailing back and forth. Lightning shot from its gaping maw into the sky above. Crackling bolts brightened the clouds as the blue-white energy cascaded through them.
    Brrrzzz, brrrzzz, brrrzzz, brrrzzz, brrrzzz, brrrzzz,
    came from the blue’s mouth.
    Molly snapped back to reality. The loud bothersome noise echoed in her room. It came from outside the window. Leaning up the image of the dragon's cock slipped from her mind. Molly frowned.
    ‘Stupid gardeners.’ She whispered.
    Swinging both feet she hopped up standing before her luggage in the middle of the bedroom. Twisting she bent over her backpack resting on her chair. Her hand grasps the window rail. Leaning in, she hunts for the disruptive gardener. The yard was empty. Her eyes jumped to the Wells’ yard next door.
    ‘There you are…’ She whispers.
    Molly’s hand drifted down between her legs. She watched the young man mowing the Wells’ yard. The young man stopped, stretched, and pulled off his green t-shirt. Clad only in blue running shoes and tight-fitting black drawstring shorts. Sweat droplets rolled down and around his well-defined back.
    Oh, damn,
    she thought. She rubbed her honey pot through her faded blue jeans. He made two full passes the length of the backyard. Pausing he looked across the yard and ...