1. Whorish American Women-Part One

    Date: 6/30/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bestiality, Blackmail, Cruelty Humiliation Incest Lesbian Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... the scene unfold before her, feeling a mix of fear and anger at the sight of her daughter being threatened. She knows she needs to do something to help Julie, but the devices still attached to her body leave her paralyzed with fear. Aisha leans in closer to Julie, her lips brushing against the shell of her ear. "You don't want to disobey me," she whispers softly. "Keep quiet now, or your mother will suffer the consequences."
    Julie hesitates for a moment, torn between fear and defiance. But when Aisha tightens her grip around her throat once more, she realizes that resistance is futile. "I won't tell you again," Aisha warns Julie darkly. "Do as I say, or your mother will pay for your disobedience." Julie's eyes fill with tears at the threat directed towards her mother. She knows she needs to comply with Aisha's demands if she wants to protect Brenda from further harm. "Okay, okay," she whimpers softly. "What do you want me to do?" Aisha grins wickedly at Julie's surrender. "Good girl. Now tell your mother that she belongs to me
    Julie looks at her mother with a mix of worry and defiance, her voice shaky as she repeats Aisha's words, "Mom, you belong to her now..."
    Brenda stares back at her daughter, her heart aching at the betrayal in her eyes. She hates the idea of surrendering to Aisha, but she also knows that Julie's safety depends on it.
    Brenda nods, swallowing the lump in her throat as she whispers back to Julie, "Yes, I do. Whatever it takes to keep you ...
    ... safe..."
    Aisha watches the exchange between mother and daughter, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction at their submission. She enjoys the game of power she has over these two women, and she knows she'll continue to play it for as long as she can.
    Aisha steps forward, releasing Julie from her grip. "Good. Now, Brenda, I want you to undress for me. Show your obedience by presenting your body to me without any hesitation."
    Brenda's body trembles at the command, her eyes filled with shame and fear. But she knows she must obey if she wants to protect her daughter.
    Aisha adds, "And Julie, you will remove your clothes too. I want to see your disobedience punished right in front of me."
    Julie's eyes widened in horror, her body shaking with anger and defiance. But she knows her mother's safety hinges on her submission.
    Brenda and Julie exchange a look of desperation, knowing they're in a losing battle. They begin to undress, their bodies quivering under the weight of humiliation and fear.
    Aisha watches them, her heart pounding with excitement. She loves the power she has over these women, and she'll continue to play this twisted game until she's satisfied.
    She smirks, her eyes darkened with lust. "That's it, strip for me. Let me see the bodies that I will be using for my pleasure tonight."
    Brenda and Julie continue to undress, their bodies shaking with fear and humiliation.
    Aisha sneers in satisfaction as Brenda and Julie continue to undress under her command, ...