1. Whorish American Women-Part One

    Date: 6/30/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bestiality, Blackmail, Cruelty Humiliation Incest Lesbian Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... "Good girl," she said softly. "Now let's move on to the next exercise." The training was just beginning, and Brenda knew that every moment would bring new horrors and humiliations. But she also knew that she had no choice but to endure them, for the devices attached to her body left her no means of escape. With a heavy heart, Brenda prepared for the next stage of her training.
    Aisha watched with satisfaction as she moved and the leash tugged lightly at her collar with each step. She was pleased that her pet was obeying her commands so well already. "Good girl," she purred, praising Brenda's obedience. "Now I want you to sit." Brenda immediately dropped to her knees, her body instinctively assuming the submissive position. She lowered her head and kept still, not daring to move an inch without her Mistress' approval. Aisha smiled, reaching down to stroke Brenda's bare shoulder. "Very good," she said. "Now lay down." Again, Brenda obeyed instantly, flattening herself out on the floor in a show of submission. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, the fear and humiliation nearly overwhelming her. But she knew that disobedience would only lead to punishment, and she couldn't risk the pain that would follow. "Good pet," Aisha praised, her hand moving to stroke Brenda's hair in a mocking show of affection. "You're learning so well. And we've only just begun your training." Brenda whimpered softly under her breath, trembling at the thought of what other horrors might ...
    ... come. But she couldn't deny the strange thrill that went through her at her Mistress' touch and praise, no matter how degrading it was. Aisha continued to stroke Brenda's hair, praising her obedience and loyalty. She was pleased with how quickly her pet was learning to submit to her will. It made her wonder what other tricks might be hidden away in that clever mind of hers. But for now, she was content to continue Brenda's training, molding her into the perfect pet. She had so many more lessons planned for her, each one designed to break her down further and remake her into something more pleasing to her. "Are you ready for your next lesson, pet?" Aisha asked, her voice soft and commanding at the same time. Brenda whimpered, her body trembling in fear and anticipation. She didn't know what was coming next, but she knew that she had no choice but to submit to her Mistress' will when she was ordered to go into the cage and locked in.
    Aisha strode into the room where her daughter Julie was sleeping, a wicked smile crossing her face as she grabbed a bucket of cold water and a riding crop. "Time to wake up, my dear," she purred, dripping the water over Julie's head. "Your training begins today, and I have such delicious torments planned for you." Julie sputtered as she found herself drenched in icy water, her hair matted down and clothes clinging to her skin. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could utter a word Aisha brought the riding crop crashing down on her back. ...