1. Whorish American Women-Part One

    Date: 6/30/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bestiality, Blackmail, Cruelty Humiliation Incest Lesbian Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... planning to help her change her ways and maybe Julie’s wrong minded ways too. One thing for sure she would have to wear something to cover most of her body.
    The highest marks on her chest would mean no cleavage could show and that eliminated many of her tops.
    Brenda opened her wardrobe. She spent long minutes trying to find something that would cover her body up to the neck but it was harder than she imagined.
    "Am I really a whore" she thought while going through her open dresses and miniskirts.
    FInally she found her old jeans and a sweater her mother gave her on Christmas. She came down her stairs and out of the house where Aisha was waiting for her near the car.
    Brenda was shaking and afraid to face the girl who just whipped her without mercy.
    Aisha looked at her
    "You know it's summer outside, it's hot as hell and you are wearing a sweater?"
    "I'm sorry, I didn't think I was just..."
    "Don't worry it's ok. You did good" Aisha touched Brenda's hand gently "you look silly but at least you look decent, that's what is important. "
    Brenda felt her warm hand and suddenly felt good from the girl's praise
    "I expect you to behave. We will go do some shopping "
    Both women sat in the car. Branda at the wheel and Aisha at the back seat.
    "Should we go to the shopping mall?" Brenda asked
    "No, that place is for whores. We will go to a place near the Mosque. They sell clothes that you need. "
    As Brenda expected the women at the store where they ...
    ... purchased had looked at her strangely and were cold to her. Aisha talked to one of them in low voices at times and the woman made comments she did not understand.
    Behind a simple curtain with no bench to sit on Brenda found herself standing naked as Aisha stood holding her new dress. Not even her panties were considered proper and lay in the heap of her clothing on the floor. The marks from the early morning whipping mostly faded but some were still there to remind them both of the new order of things.
    Aisha called out something in her native language Brenda did not understand and a moment later the woman she had been talking to came behind the curtain with a box that looks to have just been shipped and unopened. The woman looked at Brenda’s fair skin and large breasts with whip marks on them and for the first time smiled at what she was seeing.
    They talked more as they looked at the nervous American woman feeling so very out of place only an hour's drive from her home.
    “Brenda, this is Marla. She has been helping me research ways to help bring you and your trashy daughter to your true places and how to make sure I have complete control over you. She has let me have these items overnight shipped here and they will be added to your bill for the clothings we have ***********ed you will be wearing during this training. As you can see there is some beautiful and colorful clothing here but there is also the traditional. To break you of your American vanity you will be ...