1. Yord and the Stolendead - chapter 1

    Date: 6/28/2024, Categories: Science-Fiction , Alien, Coercion Non-consensual sex Slavery, Author: Limnophile, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Continuum Engineers. Some of my ancestors restarted your Universe with a Big Bang billions of your years ago. They were getting bored with the usual slow restarts. As you are aware, this vehicle is about to crash. Ten seconds after I resume the normal flow of time, it will collide with a mountain at great velocity. There will be a large fire and no survivors. All of you will die. Your endings will be brief, but intensely painful.”
    I wondered why he was terrorizing us, making the experience even worse. He left us awkwardly frozen and paused a little while. Eventually I calmed down and considered what it all meant, wondering if Heaven or some other afterlife were real. I pondered why he chose us if we were all about to… kick the bucket. I finally realized his foot was touching Bree’s but her chin was next to his navel! He was about nine feet tall!
    His powerful and masculine voice resumed. “In ten seconds of your normal time all of you will be no more. I have an offer for the five I indicated. The Time Wardenate will not allow me to change the events here, but I am able to extend some of your lives. I can bring several of you to a pocket Universe unlinked from ...
    ... this timeline. I must return you, or your physical remains, to this locus in time and space eventually, but many decades may pass in the pocket Universe before then.”
    He paused again, providing time for me to see motionless flames on the plane’s wing and the mountain out the window.
    “My offer is this. I will transport you to a safe location and provide an adequate home. In exchange you will perform any tasks I may assign you, including sexual tasks. You will have time to evaluate your options, then I will briefly thaw the flow of time so that you may answer the following question.”
    He took several breaths before asking, “Will you service my needs and desires in any way I ask, with no complaints, in order to extend your life?”
    I probably would have done the same for a husband someday, so it didn’t seem outrageous or too burdensome. I’d do ANYTHING to stay alive! I only needed a moment to decide, but he gave us what seemed like several minutes before instructing, “Say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ when you are able in three, two, one.”
    The five of us shouted the obvious answer, “YE…” before our consciousness disappeared.
    We agreed to be sex slaves to an alien giant.