Yord and the Stolendead - chapter 1
Date: 6/28/2024,
Science-Fiction ,
Non-consensual sex
Author: Limnophile
Kaylee Jenkins, 13 March 2023, flying over central Tennessee
After our parents’ divorce our mother Erin agreed to pay for our spring break vacation, with a few conditions. My Mom, sister, and I would fly together from Minneapolis to the Cayman Islands, spend two days of our five-day vacation on the beach with her, and help her find a new boyfriend. I took the city bus from my college and met them at the airport.
I only had 34-B breasts and was a little jealous that Mom and my sister Hannah’s were so big one touched each of my upper arms as I sat between them on the plane. Okay, maybe I was a lot jealous. I also regretted cutting my long blonde hair to shoulder length and coloring it red the week before. As a flight attendant walked down the aisle I noticed her nametag, ‘Bree’. Mom asked her, “Could I get a diet cola, please? Hannah? Kaylee?”
My older sister asked, “Do you make Pina Coladas? And can I get a medium rare steak with coleslaw and fries?” As Bree frowned at my stupid sister’s stupid requests, the plane shook violently and there was a very loud “THUMP!”
Out the window I saw flames trailing from the left wing! The jet’s nose tilted downward a bit and several people cried out. A flight attendant near the front shouted, “Be seated and fasten your belts, everyone! There’s no need to panic.“ Screams of fear filled the air as the whole plane rocked wildly to the left. Bree and the attendant near the front flew through the air, as another yelled, ...
... “Brace! Brace!” Our family screeched, joining the multitude of terrified voices.
Suddenly the whole world STOPPED! I couldn’t move and saw Bree and a couple of spilled drinks were frozen in midair. A calm and deep male voice said, “Some of the females here are quite attractive.” A very large bald man with tiny ears levitated into view and floated above… err... below… err… next to us. The plane’s strange upside-down and sideways angle was extremely disorienting. He was shirtless and I noticed he had sexy ten-pack abs instead of a six-pack. Just his biceps were the size of my thighs! I liked his caramel-colored skin but was surprised to see the irises of his eyes were a pale purple. Not brown, blue, or green, but mauve!
The rest of us remained frozen in place as he continued. “This one,” he tapped an attractive Black lady on the hip. He poked his head under Bree’s skirt a long moment and said, “And her.” He looked around a little while, then played with Mom’s buxom chest. He pushed my knees apart, moved my shorts and panties aside, and slid a finger inside me. I was horrified! Just his index finger was larger than any of my four ex-boyfriends’ penises! It was almost painfully big. He tasted his finger, then did the same to my sister Hannah.
“And these three.” He touched a fingertip to Mom’s nose, then pointed at my sister and I. “These are indeed enticing. Remember that I chose you five.
My name is Yord. Our species are called the Zaljan. Many of us are Dimensional ...