1. The Shark and Seal - Tourists in Hell Part 21

    Date: 6/24/2024, Categories: Fiction Cruelty Group Sex Humiliation Non-consensual sex Rape Author: gaggedKitty23, Source: sexstories.com

    ... holster.
    “OK, fine. Double the price and we can talk.”
    Rex nodded. “Now there’s the reasonable businessman I know. Consider it done.” He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. I kept peering around the corner of the dumpster, mind racing as I wondered what Rex expected his extra payment to buy him.
    “And in return? What do you think this new price gets you?” Greeley hissed.
    Rex chuckled. “Not too much, Sheriff. Just this: From now until sunrise, I want you to keep a lookout outside the bar and stop anyone else coming by in a vehicle you don’t recognize. If anyone comes looking for our out-of-towners, like friends or relatives staying at the same motel or resort or whatever… I want you to bring them to me.” Rex smiled. “Anyone who calls either of these bitches and their bitch-boys friend or family is a potential problem. And I don’t like problems. Understood?” He handed the sheriff a piece of paper and rattled off the names of the four unfortunate tourists inside.
    Sheriff Greeley stared at the note, tucked it into his pocket, and then shifted from one foot to the other, staring off into the distance as he considered the gang leader’s offer.
    “I’ve got to ask, Rex… why? Is it really worth it? One witness or one lingering piece of evidence, that’s all it will take to bring us both down. Is your fun worth that?”
    But Rex chuckled darkly. “You don’t understand, old man. This is
    . This is what that slut and her crew get for making me look weak in front of ...
    ... my boys and running me off the road. Fun? Nah. This isn’t really about no ‘fun.’ This is about the basic law of the jungle. Any
    is just a byproduct.” He continued, “And listen up: sometime before sunrise, the SUV the two couples took to Gary’s bar, that might just, oh, I don’t know,
    . If you end up having to investigate, keep me in the loop. That’s all I ask,” Rex finished, each word enunciated with extra meaning.
    “If this becomes a real pain in my ass and I have to stonewall or engineer a fall-guy for a quadruple-murder investigation, then I’m quadrupling my fee instead of doubling it. Got it?”
    The biker leader nodded. “You got it. But it won’t come to that, Sheriff. No bodies found, no murder, right? Just a bunch of flaky tourists getting themselves lost in the Alaskan wilderness, never to be heard from again. You just let me and my men take care of things. Just do your job tonight and everyone wins.”
    Rex thrust out his hand, and a grimacing Greeley took it. As the demon and the devil shook hands, I realized that maybe the less I knew about the details of their little arrangement, the better. Too late for that though.
    Well… fuck.
    It would be such a waste – two hot cunts taken out of circulation. Then again, maybe if they played their cards right, maybe they could get Rex to take them in as fuck-slaves. I’d heard rumors about Rex’s gang dabbling in human trafficking, even keeping some of the girls for themselves…
    Either way, my ...