1. The Shark and Seal - Tourists in Hell Part 21

    Date: 6/24/2024, Categories: Fiction Cruelty Group Sex Humiliation Non-consensual sex Rape Author: gaggedKitty23, Source: sexstories.com

    Ch. 21 – The Anal Virgin, Part 3
    “What can I do for you, Sheriff?” Rex’s tone remained deceptively carefree.
    What can I do for you, Sheriff
    ?” the man mimicked. “Are you insane?” The bearded sheriff sighed with a shake of his head, looked away before staring off toward the woods behind my bar. They were standing about 25 ft. from the emergency exit, and I was hiding strategically just behind the dumpster – close enough to hear every word and peek around the corner without being seen.
    “This going to have a body count?” the sheriff spat.
    Rex shrugged. “Maybe. So what if it does?” No apology there, that raspy voice just cool and fierce as ice.
    “You know better. This isn’t your first rodeo. What are you thinking? This kind of shit is bad for business – for
    of us.”
    Rex just shrugged again. “I pay you to look the other way. I thought we had a mutually beneficial arrangement.”
    The sheriff snorted. “Yeah, well, the arrangement won’t be ‘mutually beneficial’ much longer if you keep this up. I’ve already intercepted one call to dispatch from a witness in the bar, says you’re raping and torturing two young couples. That true?”
    The burly biker scratched the top of his shaved head and shifted a bit, almost embarrassed, as if he’d been caught with a hand in the cookie jar rather than orchestrating a heinous crime. “Yeah, so?”
    “So… you think I can protect you? You think I can protect you if ...
    ... you continue to act like this is the Wild West of the 1800’s out here? It’s the 21st century. This county isn’t your personal fiefdom.”
    Rex spat and glared back at the sheriff. “I don’t know nothin’ about any ‘fiefdom,’ but here’s what I do know: I pay you good money. Now I’ll pay you even
    money, and this time, instead of just looking the other way, you’re going to play lookout and help keep tonight’s fun under wraps for me.”
    “You ugly son of a bitch, you think you can dictate terms to me, eh?” Greeley reached for his Glock, but two of Rex’s lieutenants appeared out of nowhere, flanking the sheriff from behind with handguns pointed at the back of his head.
    “Keep a cool head, old man. Don’t do anything stupid,” Rex added. “This doesn’t have to go sideways. Almost all the truckers and hunters, all the locals, they know who keeps the lights on when no one else will.” Rex was right. As brutal as these bikers were, they treated the locals like family of a sort. If a husband or wife or child had an unexpected medical bill that would have made a family go bankrupt or caused real hardship, Rex’s Frost Demons always intervened with a nice, fat wad of cash to earn a little undying loyalty. It wasn’t exactly a bribe, but it wasn’t exactly
    a bribe either.
    With the locals as de facto allies, even if Greeley had wanted to bust the Frost Demons, he would have had one hell of an uphill battle ahead of him.
    Grimly, Greeley withdrew his hand from his ...