1. A true story - Chloe - Our first time

    Date: 6/24/2024, Categories: True Story Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing First Time Incest Masturbation School Teen Male/Teen Female Author: UVmonkayX, Source: sexstories.com

    ... what to do when it happens, and here she was swallowing my thick cum down into her small belly, I don't think she was ready for the amount of cum though as it soon caused her to cough and splutter as cum poured out between her lips and down her chin.
    It was the hottest thing I had ever seen and the best feeling I had experienced. She swallowed what was left in her mouth and used tissue to clean up the rest, we were both spent but we managed to dress properly and set rip to watch a film, we were woken up by our parents a few hours later.
    Me and Chloe continued this practice for almost a year before the babysitting stopped and I was allowed to look after myself. We have managed to "catch up" every now and again but nothing will compare to that first time for the both us.
    We never went all the way but hey, there's still time.