1. A true story - Chloe - Our first time

    Date: 6/24/2024, Categories: True Story Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing First Time Incest Masturbation School Teen Male/Teen Female Author: UVmonkayX, Source: sexstories.com

    ... I said hurriedly.
    There wasn't a lot of time and Chloe seemed like her legs were made out of jelly, I threw the skirt to her which she quickly put on, her tights and panties were kicked under the bed and we jumped into our film watching position.
    The door opened and in popped my aunties head
    "What are you two up too?"
    "Just watching a film" I responded as calmly as I could, my heart pounding and my penis back to be as solid as a rock.
    "You ok Chloe?" Her mother asked
    "Yeah just the film's a bit scary" she smiled whilst holding a cushion in front of her stomach and between her legs.
    What her mother didn't know was that 10 minutes prior her innocent daughter had jacked me off, 3 minutes ago I had rubbed her daughter to orgasm and that as she was talking to us her daughters skirt had lifted when she sat down and her bare ass was pressing my hard on between her ass cheeks.
    Her mum left and we heard her walk back down the stairs.
    "Wow that was close!" I remarked
    "Yeah but totally worth it, shame it's Saturday tomorrow I want to do that again!".
    Chloe got fully dressed and we did settle down for a film which was soon interrupted by my mother.
    The following week was going to be amazing or so I thought, Monday morning came around and I was as sick as a dog.
    It took two weeks before I was at school again and therefore back with Chloe in the evenings. When I did meet up with her again she was so happy, Chloe had found out what had happened to ...
    ... her and learnt from some friends that women can "orgasm" too and apparently when a guy shoots his sperm he "cums", she was so excited by this new info and apparently lots of other stuff she had learnt whilst I was gone and couldn't wait to try it all again.
    4 months had passed since that first time, hand jobs and rubbing Chloe's pussy for 4 months and now on this wintery day me and Chloe were going to take the next step. I had learnt about oral and Chloe was very excited, I had also learnt about fingering too but Chloe didn't want to risk breaking her hymen... Yet.
    We walked in through the back door and straight into the kitchen.
    "Hey mum" Chloe yelled to which she received no reply
    Chloe went to find her mum whilst I took my coat off and stood next to the radiator, when she finally came back she told me her mum was a sleep on the sofa.
    "Want some hot chocolate?" Chlo asked
    "God yes I'm freezing"
    "I know a faster way to warm up" Chloe winked.
    Over the past four months she had become a lot more flirtatious and a lot more inappropriate, numerous times we would be walking back and she'd make lewd comments or her favourite thing to do is when we are sat around the table for dinner and whilst everyone is eating she would rub her hand up and down on my crotch or even take my hand and put it up her skirt where she was not wearing any panties.
    "Calm down we've got time, and you definitely have to warm your hands up before touching my junk" I stated.
    In 10 ...