1. Motherfucker: Part 2

    Date: 6/20/2024, Categories: Fiction Bi-sexual Domination/submission Female/Female First Time Incest Latina, Male / Females Male / Older Female, Male/Teen Female Masturbation Mature Plumper, Virginity Water Sports/Pissing, Author: rat_race, Source: sexstories.com

    ... to you.
    "And before you ask me, yes, I have had sex with her before. In fact, she's my 'go-to girl' whenever I get feeling too horny to just masturbate, and you're not around to fuck me. Fran is always there to offer me her nice warm pussy, as well as a shoulder to cry on, if I need it."
    "I'm surprised Fran's still sexually active at her age," I commented to Mom.
    "Why does that surprise you, son? Just because you get older doesn't mean that your basic needs go away. You still need food, and air, and water, and love--and most-importantly sex and orgasms to release all those wonderful endorphins into our bodies that keep us feeling great, so that we don't become depressed and suicidal."
    "But isn't her pussy all shriveled up by now?"
    "Yes, of course it is. And her saggy breasts pretty much hang straight down from her chest. I didn't say that Fran had a beautiful-looking body. But she does have a body which is in pretty good shape for a woman her age.
    "And Fran's body has a very functional--albeit well-worn--pussy down between her legs that is just as deserving of your dick and your sperm as any other woman's pussy is. And I'm sure it feels just as good to her to get her nipples sucked, as it does to me when you're sucking on mine."
    "Is everything okay?" Fran, who had been patiently sitting on one of Mom's kitchen chairs, finally called out to Mom, once again, in an overly-loud voice. "Has your son agreed to have sex with me this morning?"
    "Yes, Fran. He ...
    ... sure did," Mom loudly announced across the kitchen to her. "He told me that he's really looking forward to seeing what your breasts and your pussy look like."
    I felt so embarrassed by the lie that Mom had just told Fran, that I just wanted to crawl under the kitchen table and hide. But a grown man doesn't behave like that when the going gets tough. He steps up to the plate, and deals directly with whatever comes his way.
    Besides, except for the "he told me" part at the very beginning, the rest of what Mom had just finished telling Fran about me wasn't a lie. And I think that's what was the most embarrassing part for me. My suddenly realizing that Mom was actually telling Fran the truth about how I felt in regards to seeing Fran's "naughty parts" for the first time.
    "Oh, he did, did he? What's his name again? Carl?" Fran asked.
    "Yes, his name's Carl."
    "Well, Carl, my breasts and my pussy are definitely nothing to write home about. But they're the only ones I have, and so I just have to make do with them."
    "Why don't you sit down with us and have some breakfast, before we get underway?" Mom offered, and Fran graciously accepted.
    Fran downed her scrambled eggs and bacon as if she had never had them before. She must've been starving herself, because she was definitely on the light side, weight-wise. Maybe no more than 110 pounds tops.
    Fran kind of looked like the Queen of England did before her death. Fran was an elegant woman with light blue eyes, and her ...