1. Motherfucker: Part 2

    Date: 6/20/2024, Categories: Fiction Bi-sexual Domination/submission Female/Female First Time Incest Latina, Male / Females Male / Older Female, Male/Teen Female Masturbation Mature Plumper, Virginity Water Sports/Pissing, Author: rat_race, Source: sexstories.com

    ... secretly having sex behind his back."
    "Gee, Mom, that's makes me feel much better," I said to my mother as sarcastically as I could. Then I did an about-face, and headed out to my car to bring in my luggage.
    Ironically, while I was trucking my two pieces of luggage up to the porch at the front of the house, I realized that I no longer had a hard-on.
    And while I was carrying my luggage towards the stairs to take it up to my old bedroom, I passed by a naked-from-the-waist-up version of Sofia who was still sitting on the sofa in Mom's living room.
    When Sofia saw me passing by the living room, she quickly threw her arms across her chest, forming an "X" pattern with her forearms, to covered up the areolas and nipples of her bare breasts with her cupped hands. She was obviously a very shy woman who felt very nervous about what she was getting ready to do.
    When I saw Sofia trying to cover up her breasts, I said to her to try to put her a little more at ease, "You don't have to worry, you know. I've seen them before."
    "When?" she asked, with a horrified look on her face.
    And I suddenly realized that Sofia had taken me literally, thinking that I had just told her that I had already seen
    breasts before, like I was some kind of peeping Tom, or something.
    "Oh, I didn't mean
    breasts, ma'am. I meant other women's breasts."
    "So, would you like to see mine then? Because if you do, I'll show them to you," Sofia stated, with her arms still ...
    ... crossed over her chest.
    "Of course I would," I replied sincerely.
    And Sofia slowly let her arms fall back down to her sides, to finally let me see her large, tan colored nipples and areolas, which perfectly complemented her light, olive-tone skin. And with her straight European-style nose and her hazel eyes, Sofia looked like a Spaniard, instead of a Mexican-American woman--even though that's what she really was.
    "You've got some very nice-looking breasts, ma'am," I said truthfully, and I quickly turned back towards the stairway to cart my luggage upstairs. And I noticed that my penis was starting to stiffen and enlarge again.
    And before I could walk back down the stairs, after dropping the luggage off in my bedroom, here came Mother up the staircase, with the topless Sofia following right behind her.
    "So where do you want to fuck her? Your room, or mine?" Mom quietly whispered in my ear.
    "Hey, that's no fair. That's a loaded question, and you know it. I really don't have a choice, now do I?" I quietly whispered right back.
    "No, you don't. Because there's only one choice that will make me happy," Mom continued whispering, so that Sofia, who was standing several feet behind Mom at this point, hopefully could not hear our private conversation.
    "Your room it is, then," I whispered in Mom's ear, and Sofia patiently followed Mom into her bedroom, with me being the last one to enter the bedroom and close the bedroom door behind me.
    Mother winked at me and then ...