1. Lost Empire 88

    Date: 6/19/2024, Categories: Science-Fiction , Alien, Non-Erotic, Violence Author: pars001

    ... then 201 what names were you called," Derrick asked.
    A young teen girl and boy both with black hair appeared, bowing to Derrick. "Sire, I was called Teal," said 882.
    "I was called Jake, though only for a short time," 201 said.
    "Very well," Derrick said, "that will stay your names, now rest before you resume your duties."
    "Thank you sire," they both said, then winked out.
    "Ah, still growing Shelby, thank you," Derrick said.
    "No, thank you, Derrick, thank you for my children," Shelby said.
    Far out, beyond the present Empire's boundary, a small ship was attempting to use trans-warp. The thing was that the small ship was only using a minute at most. Though the ship was eating up distance, it was still taking a good bit of time.
    "Damnit! I need a status report," Risen was shouting.
    "We are at ninety percent for weapons, shields are at seventy percent. All other systems are at full except for trans-warp. Repairs are still ongoing, trans-warp remains at fifty-five percent. The constant use of said system is hindering the repair process," the old computer said in monotone.
    "How far are we from the planet?" Risen growled.
    "At our present rate, we should arrive within two days. All systems should be at a hundred percent with the exception of the shields and the trans-warp. Estimation of shield strength at that time, ninety-five percent. Estimation of trans-warp, still fifty percent. Once ...
    ... a complete shut-down of the system is effective, at least one day," the computer said.
    This answer, of course, had Risen throwing a fit. An hour after he calmed down, Risen sat to plan, actually a good thing for him as he closed everything else out.
    Two days later, the ship appeared above the planet. "Shut trans-warp down effect what repairs you can. I want a high-density particle beam trained on the smallest city on the planet. When I say I want continuous fire 'til there is nothing alive in the whole area. Make sure that all buildings are decimated. I want nothing left," Risen said, then laughed.
    Rien watched as the power started to build. He could hear the screams as thousands died in agony. Just think, he thought, soon there will be nothing left of that pathetic place. Risen's smile got even larger as he saw that the power was almost ready.
    "Open a channel to the Queen, broad band broadcast," Risen said.
    "Channel open," the computer said.
    "I told you I would return. Now you will feel what it means to truly be powerless. FIRE!" Risen shouted.
    Moments later, several beams lanced out, hitting the small city. The lucky ones were the ones that died instantly, the rest died slower, much more painfully. The whole time, Risen was laughing like a maniacal crazy man.
    "Ah! I love the screams of death in the morning. You have one of your time units, then I will destroy another two cities. If they aren't captured and or dead, then you know what will happen. Oh, ...