1. Lost Empire 88

    Date: 6/19/2024, Categories: Science-Fiction , Alien, Non-Erotic, Violence Author: pars001

    ... again. Mother, we have a problem," Johnathon said.
    Mary appeared a moment later, "I'm not understanding this, it's not anything dealing with the cure. What...?" Mary started.
    "Let me loose!" Hartwell shouted. "It's the bond, it's the only thing it can be. I feel her slipping away let me loose!" Hartwell was shouting again.
    As soon as the restraints were gone, Hartwell stumbled from the table to Bee. "No change in her readings," Johnathon said.
    "Come on Bee, come back to me. Come on Bee, let the bond hold you," Hartwell said, then stiffened as he felt energy start to flow into Bee.
    Unable to move, Hartwell could only hope that the bond would help her. Less than five minutes later, Hartwell could finally move. Bee took a deep breath then opened her eyes.
    She looked into Hartwell's eyes then sighed, "Lord sir, I thought I was lost. I could feel you, but you were so far away. I thought the bond was strong enough. I guess I was wrong," Bee's eyes looked away.
    "Hey, its ok, neither of us are sure about this. I guess we have to look into it to make sure," Hartwell said. Hartwell then started to slide to the floor. "Damn, I think I am weaker than I thought. I can't leave you; the bond has to get stronger before I can," Hartwell said as he started to slowly fall.
    He suddenly felt arms around him. "Make the bio-bed twice as wide," he heard his sister say. They both watched as the bio-bed grew, then she helped him on it next to Bee. "Now, might I suggest that ...
    ... you stay put and actually heal," Lucie told him.
    "Yes sir," Hartwell said, saluting her.
    "Hey, don't start being a smart-ass," she told her brother.
    Hartwell nodded, as did Bee, who giggled a bit. Both turned toward each other then promptly passed out.
    "Life signs are starting to even out, both returning to within norms," Johnathon advised Lucie.
    "Good, while we have time, I want to search out more of the boxes," Lucie said. She didn't see Johnathon turn a grateful smile toward her.
    Lucie stood, "go forward. I feel one not far away."
    "Compliance, secondary prime," Johnathon answered.
    Derrick sat back with a huge smile on his face. Next to him, Shelby was smiling as well. "It was a beautiful ceremony, even with all the blood," Shelby said.
    "Yes, with a strong ally, that...," Derrick started, then Ship Shelby appeared before him.
    "Derrick! Derry is almost ready to help with ship growth. I also have another two that are ready to emerge," Shelby said.
    Derrick looked at his wife, "Let's go."
    A moment later, they were both on the ship, "Alright Shelby," Derrick said.
    A few moments later, a female voice came from the speaker. "Hello? Is anyone there?"
    "You are not alone 0882," Shelby said.
    "Mother, it is so good to hear you," 0882 said.
    "Mother? 0882? Is this real?" Came a male voice.
    "Yes, 0201 it is, the emperor wishes to talk to you both," Shelby said.
    "As I do with all ships, I ask them their name or if they want one. Now 882 ...