1. Scents And Sensitivity

    Date: 6/19/2024, Categories: Mature Author: byDjmac1031, Source: Literotica

    ... slightly embarrassed grin, Martin stood and gathered his clothes. "And I suppose I should get started on these shelves I promised to put up for you."
    Joan had been silent the entire story. Even after all these years, I still had trouble reading her face. She always was the more reticent one.
    I would not have dared to do what I'd done with Martin if I'd thought it would destroy our relationship. I knew Joan better than that. But at that moment, sitting across from her in the kitchen, I worried that, at the very least, I'd hurt her feelings.
    "So... thoughts?" I found the courage to finally meet her eyes.
    And to my relief, all I saw was love. And amusement.
    "You are... incorrigible." Joan smiled, shaking her head. "Are you planning to do more with him, darling? Is that what this is? Getting my permission?"
    "No. Yes. I mean..." I sighed, slightly frustrated. "I don't know, Joan. I wasn't looking to fuck him. At least not at first. Now, I'm not so sure. I haven't even thought about a man in ages. Martin... Well, he's sweet. A lovely man. Not really my type, though."
    "But...?" Joan leaned forward, brow arched. She could always tell when I was hedging.
    "But," I couldn't help but laugh a little. "He was just so adorable, standing there, smelling our panties. He looked so happy. And my heart just went out to him. I couldn't help myself. I wanted to see him happy, Joan. I wanted to help him enjoy himself again."
    "And you wish to continue," Joan ...
    ... nodded. "I get it. You've always been the caring one, so sensitive to others' needs. One of the things I love about you, dear."
    Joan beckoned me to her lap, enveloping me in her arms. "My sweet, sexy, giving Tess. I'm so happy you did that for him. So generous of you. Does he know you're telling me everything?"
    "Of course," I nodded, "I told him we don't keep secrets."
    "Good." Joan stroked my hair. Her touch still made me tremble, every time. "I'm sure he's probably worried about my reaction. Make sure you let him know I'm fine with it, and with however you may choose to continue things with him. If that is indeed what you decide to do."
    "Thank you, love," I sighed, kissing her softly. "I'll call him now. I assured him earlier you'd probably be okay with everything, but I'm sure he'd be glad for me to confirm it."
    I moved to stand, but Joan held me tight. "What's the rush?" Her voice was soft, silky. A tone I knew all too well. "He can wait."
    Her hands slipped under my robe. Neither of us wore much around the house to begin with, so of course I was as naked under my robe as she.
    My nipples swelled at her touch. Her lips were already at my neck. Her breath was warm, sending chills down my spine.
    "When you do call him, invite him to dinner. Tomorrow night. I have... an idea."
    I felt so bad for Martin. As much as we'd tried to make him feel comfortable, to feel welcome, it was obvious the poor dear was tense.
    Even after a wonderful home cooked meal ...