1. Scents And Sensitivity

    Date: 6/19/2024, Categories: Mature Author: byDjmac1031, Source: Literotica

    ... lovers.
    "Would you be willing to do this again, Tess?" Martin asked tentatively. "Because while obviously I'd love to, I don't want you, you know, feeling obligated. Or only doing it out of pity, or... "
    "This wasn't a pity fuck, Martin," I assured him. "I did this because I care about you. And because I wanted to. And... "
    Leaning in, I flicked at his earlobe with my tongue before finishing,"... And because I needed it, too. I definitely wanna fuck you again, hun. Soon."
    "Yes, soon." Joan had again snuck up behind us without our hearing. Grinning wryly, she handed me the packet of wet wipes. "But not tonight. Clean up, my dear. And then, if you don't mind, Martin, I'd like to take my wife upstairs and make sweet, dirty love to her."
    "Of course," Martin chuckled. "I get it. Three's a crowd. I'll leave you ladies to it, then."
    After carefully wiping up the remains of our coupling, I slipped my kimono back on while Martin dressed, then walked him to the door.
    There, I gave him one final, tender kiss. "Goodnight, Martin. We'll see you again soon."
    "Goodnight, Tess, Joan. And thanks again. For everything."
    Martin turned to go. Joan called him back. "Wait; just one moment."
    Stepping forward she extended her hand. In them were two pairs of panties. "Here. Take these. A little souvenir, if you will. Perhaps you'll wish to... enjoy them... by yourself, soon. You have my blessing to enjoy both of our ...
    ... scents."
    Martin took them with a mix of embarrassment and eager excitement. "Seriously? Wow. Thank you. I will certainly, um... treasure these."
    "And please," Joan finished with a sexy wink, "do let me know what you think of my scent next time we see you. I'm very curious as to which of our fragrances you'll find more appealing."
    Even in the dark of the evening, I could see Martin blush. Then, with a final wave, he turned to go.
    "Lovely man," Joan said, closing the door behind her. Taking me by the hand, she led me upstairs. "Tell me, are you still... leaking, darling?"
    "Oh, yes. He came quite a bit, I'm afraid."
    My body trembled with excitement at the lust in her reply.
    "Oh, good. It's been quite some time since I've sucked a cream pie from you, my love. I'm ever so looking forward to it."
    I was back and forth on whether this was a Fetish story or not, since I leaned pretty heavily on the whole scent thing.
    But I decided Mature felt like the better fit.
    As usual, I left things open to continue, at least in the imagination for you, the reader. I try not to do sequels too often anymore, but never say never.
    Wanna thankEmily Miller as always for proofreading and just generally letting me know my story doesn't suck.
    Hopefully you agree. Feedback, positive or constructive criticism, is always welcomed in the comments section.
    And thank you, as always, for taking the time to read this. 