1. Scents And Sensitivity

    Date: 6/19/2024, Categories: Mature Author: byDjmac1031, Source: Literotica

    ... managed to cautiously meet my eye. "Yes. I meant no disrespect, truly. And I would never dare dream of, well..."
    His face twisted with a sadness that made my heart melt. "... it's been... so long. Ellen, she... she was the best, and I.... I just miss her so much. And I haven't even considered putting myself back out there. It's been way too long. I wouldn't even know where to begin dating again."
    To my surprise, Martin moved and sat beside me on the bed. His shoulders slumped as he continued. "I'm not even sure I'm interested in dating again. Like, ever. Still, you're right. I've lately found myself, well... you know. But that's no excuse for what I did, invading your privacy like that. And I'm truly sorry."
    I took his hand. "I know. And I understand, truly I do."
    I hesitated only a moment, deciding whether I really wanted to say what my mind had just conjured.
    And then, I said it. "Maybe next time, you could just ask."
    Martin's head shot up. He looked bewildered. "I'm sorry, what?"
    I couldn't suppress my sly smile. Now that I'd committed to it, the mere idea excited the hell out of me. "I said, you could just ask. If you wanna smell my panties, I wouldn't mind. Knowing it would... help. I'd be... flattered."
    "Really?" Martin seemed wary, as if I were testing him, or mocking him.
    "Really." I squeezed his hand gently. "In fact, I have an idea. You're obviously in need of a little... relief. And so am I, frankly. Have been since Joan left this ...
    ... morning. Perhaps we can..."
    Martin cut me off. "No, Tess. As much as I'd love to, I wouldn't dream of coming between you and Joan. Besides, I didn't think you were, you know..."
    "Into men?" I finished for him, laughing softly. "I suppose I should explain; while Joan is very much strictly into women, I used to, well, dabble in men too. Even after I met Joan, even after we married. She tolerated it, because she knew that while I loved her, I had my own needs from time to time.
    "I haven't been with a man in quite a few years, though. Eventually I found I didn't need that anymore. That all I truly needed was Joan."
    Martin again flushed red. "I'm sorry. I misunderstood."
    "No, not at all," I assured him. "I wasn't exactly clear. I wasn't offering to have sex with you, Martin. Even if I wanted to, I'd have to clear it with Joan first. We have no secrets. But if you wanted to continue what you were doing earlier, I wouldn't mind that at all."
    Martin's jaw dropped. "Are you seriously suggesting I... we...?"
    "Yes. I am." I handed him my panties. "I'm offering these to you freely, to enjoy as you wish. I can't let you have Joan's, however, not without her consent. But feel free to smell mine all you want."
    I sat in silence, watching his face slowly morph from incredulity to acceptance and, finally, a dawning excitement.
    He lifted my panties to his nose hesitantly, as if expecting me to suddenly shout "April Fools" and yank his newfound treasure from him. When I ...