1. Farewell Lunch Chapter 1 & 2

    Date: 6/15/2024, Categories: True Story Wife Author: strywriter, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Diana began to sob again and it sounded like it could turn into a honest cry session. John took her in his arms and held her tight!
    “It’s ok, I believe you and I thank you for telling me the whole story.” “I really appreciate that.”
    “Do you still love me?”
    “Yes, of course I still love you. I could never stop loving you, you know that. I have loved you since our first kiss and I could never stop loving you! But we need to think about what we want to do now that the cat is out of the bag.
    “What do you mean?” “Can’t we just forget it ever happened”
    “No, we can’t do that, and we shouldn’t do that because if we don’t deal with it, it will always hang over our heads.” “Besides, this may be just what we have been waiting for, so lets just sleep on it and we will talk more tomorrow, ok?”
    “OK, just don’t hate me or leave me.”
    “No, I love you babe, you know that, this is just something that we have to deal with and quite frankly I’m not surprised it happen.” “I half expected it every time you go out for drinks with your office friends.”
    “Why is that?”
    “Because your office is so sexually charged and everyone in it is playing the tease game, so sooner or later someone it going to score.”
    “Ok, I understand and I am sorry about tonight.”
    “I know, and I believe you, honey.”
    John had the weekend off for once so they had to time to talk everything through and in the end, John explained how it could happen and, surprisingly, he was ok with Diana pursuing ...
    ... a strictly sexual relationship with the man at her work as long as there was no romantic attachment and that she tell him all of the details afterward.
    They also agreed now was the time to try to advance their relationship with another couple to see if they were interested in swapping. This would provide a mutual outlet for sex for both of them rather than just Diana.
    John’s reaction and ultimate decision was a pleasant surprise for Diana, she thought a lot about the other night and although she was ashamed at first, she couldn’t get the excitement of doing it out of her mind, nor could she get the thought of Mark’s large member out of her mind.
    Any number of thoughts began running through her head about what she could do. After all, John said as long as it didn’t happen too often and there was no romantic attachment it would be ok. Well, too often was open to interpretation and she could certainly agree not to fall in love with Mark. He was sexy as hell but he wasn’t the kind of man you wanted to marry because he would always be looking for his next conquest.
    Hmm, what to do? She had fantasied about several different scenarios and perhaps now was a good time to live out one or two. She spent some time when John was at work thinking about which fantasy, she might want to try first. She could blow him in his office or perhaps let him take her in the club or in the car, although public sex was scarier than office sex. At the office she could be fired but that was ...