1. Farewell Lunch Chapter 1 & 2

    Date: 6/15/2024, Categories: True Story Wife Author: strywriter, Source: sexstories.com

    ... worried sick and I in trouble.
    Chapter 2
    Sorry I’m So Late
    When she got home, she was in a hurry to get inside, so she just grabbed her purse and headed into the house. She saw there was a light on in the back and she knew John was still awake. She thought ok, just put a smile on your face and act naturally.
    “So, where have you been, I have been worried, John said when she came into the bedroom.”
    “I’m sorry, she said, genuinely meaning it.” “We went out after dinner and I lost track of time and just forgot to call you like I normally do; sorry.”
    “I worry when you’re out drinking, but at least you are home safely.”
    “I know you do and sometimes I drink too much, like tonight, and then forget you are home worrying.”
    He was looking at her in a strange way, so she opened the walk-in closet and stepped in to undress for bed and as she removed her skirt John saw she didn’t have her panties on.
    “Uh, where are your panties, John asked?”
    “Huh, oh, I didn’t wear any today because this skirt is so tight across my butt it shows the panty lines.”
    “Oh, and I see you’re not wearing a bra either, is this pantyless and braless Friday?”
    “Well yeah, sort of, you know how the office is, less is more.” “But I did wear one to work because this blouse is so sheer but I took off at the end of the day, before we went to dinner and dancing.”
    “Why?” He asked.
    She turned around to explain, “uh, well, she stammered because it’s sexier without one and that’s ...
    ... what you want to feel like when you’re out dancing and drinking.”
    “Wait a minute, come here, what’s that in your hair and on your face?”
    Suddenly she remembered being hit on the side of her face when Mark blew his first load. Oh, shit she thought, no underwear and cum in my hair – BUSTED. She said, “uh, I don’t know let me see,” and hurried to the bathroom. When she came out there were no signs of anything in her hair or on her cheek but her hair was damp where she used a wash cloth to wipe it clean. She slipped into the bed and hoped he would drop it but no such luck.
    John raised up on his elbow and looked at her and said, “ok; let’s have it, what’s going on?”
    She looked at him and then reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her and buried her face in his neck. She was weeping, “I’m sorry honey, I got too drunk tonight and let things go too far tonight.”
    “What do you mean things went too far?”
    She just laid there not answering and trying to cuddle with him.
    “Come on tell me what happened so I don’t think the worst.”
    She whispered, “I love you.”
    “I know you do and I love you, but you did something tonight that you shouldn’t have and now you need to tell me.”
    “She mustered all of her courage and said, you know how I told you the guys are always trying to see how far they can go with us girls when we all go drinking and dancing?”
    “Yeah, but you said you had that under control and you just tease but never go all the ...