1. Sex Demons Need Love Too

    Date: 6/11/2024, Categories: Fantasy Cheating Consensual Sex Extreme, Hardcore Horror, Monster, Violence Author: Krombomich, Source: sexstories.com

    ... enough to be heard but with a soft, sweet voice.
    The demon turned his bull head and froze at the sight of Bethany.
    "Please, I beg you, come back"
    After a few more seconds of hesitation he began his slow march back to the door. Nathan's head was peeking from the side of the frame. It was the first time they had a long look at the extra-dimensional visitor.
    Even if he was built like a fridge and tall enough to almost scrape the ceiling, which he would be if his horns faced upwards instead of forward, his strangest feature was his clothes. It was a bit sad to see he had made an obvious effort to dress nice, but whatever plus-size store he got his outfit from did not have anything in his proportions. So while loose around the waist, the fabric was to its breaking points around his colossal arm and leg muscles. Worse still, his pants had sagging lumps and bumps all over, like he was smuggling rolled up carpets.
    "My name is Kas, I am here about the room for rent."
    "Is that your
    name?" Nathan sharply replied, provoking a glare from Beth.
    "Well, my real name is Kasbedhal," answered Kas meekly.
    "Kasbedhal the... what?" Nathan had seen enough on TV to know all these hell-spawns had fucked up rapey names.
    Kas sighed and rolled his eyes. "Kasbedhal the Penetrator"
    Nathan looked to Beth boastfully
    "Are you proud of yourself, Nathaniel the Bigoted" Beth said, turning his finest hour to shame.
    After a quick tour and confirmation of the rent ...
    ... amount, everything seemed to be coming into place. Nathan couldn't believe what was happening. Anything he thought of saying he knew was going to come off as racist.
    "We would love to have you stay with us, Kas. Wouldn't we, Nathan?"
    Another violent sexual assault occurred last night. A young woman is in on life support at St-Mary hospital. The police apprehended a registered sex demon, Voluzhar the Slithering, at the scene. He will await trial in a custom-built jail cell for he is made of snakes. We're joined by the leader of the movement Death to All Demons and the spokesperson for the Committee for Rehabilitation and Integration of Sex Demons.
    What you fail to understand, sir, is that while this deplorable event took place , hundreds of rapes, human-committed rapes happened without anyone making a news report about it...
    Beth turned off the television and listened carefully. Yes, she was definitely hearing keys jiggling. Now the door knob was turning. The only reason she was up so late on the living room couch was in hopes of catching Kas coming home. He was always out during the day and she never got to spend any time with him.
    Under her covers, she was wearing only underwear and an off-the-shoulder shirt.
    off the shoulder. This was the kind of outfit she would not normally let anyone see, not even Nathan, but Kas being a sex demon, she felt he might be put off by her usual boring dresses.
    Unaware of Beth peeking from between cushions, the first ...